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twinkley 02-21-2003 12:05 PM

Aria and XXXManager on Pillow Talk Today!
Need I say more???


3PM eastern!


wsjb78 02-21-2003 12:39 PM

Looking forward to your ICQ announce of the show... almost couldn't sleep since I got to know that you and ARiA are going to be on the show!

twinkley 02-21-2003 12:55 PM

Well.... ya know.... i have been trying to get our favorite brunette on for weeks now....

But I guess she is toooo busy for pillow talk hehehehehe

Just Kidding!!

Its gonna be a great show!


Purple Haze 02-21-2003 01:18 PM

Woo Hoo! Sounds like a great show.

Purple Haze :)

twinkley 02-21-2003 01:27 PM


Got a BIG spread4u.com announcement for the show too!! wooohooo!!!


MegaGiga 02-21-2003 01:35 PM

Who the hell is xxxmanager?? ;)

Anyway twinkley - for us people living in the other half of the world.. what time is that in GMT?!


twinkley 02-21-2003 01:49 PM

Oh crud.... here we go again...

Okay, EST is +5 GMT.... soooo...

That would be 8pm GMT :)


Or.... 1 hour!

Vid Vicious 02-21-2003 01:52 PM

Nice aria is a sweetie ...

good luck ron !

I'll be there to cheer oyu guys on

Evil Chris 02-21-2003 03:08 PM

Show is on now! Come on in! :D

twinkley 02-21-2003 04:38 PM

I just want to thank Aria and XXXManager for coming on the show :)

You guys were totally awesome :)

And thanks for the cool givaway Aria!


wsjb78 02-21-2003 04:40 PM

Thx for the show, it was great @Twinkley, ARiA, XXXManager!

Waiting now for next week's show!

Pidgin 02-21-2003 04:57 PM

It was SOOOO fun.
Thx Twinkley :)
Thx guys and gals - for being on the show..
Knowing I shared a radio-show with ARiA - I can die peacefully now :p

Purple Haze 02-21-2003 05:07 PM

Great show Twinkley! :)

Purple Haze

ARiA 02-21-2003 05:16 PM

Thanks for having me!! I had alot of fun, Twinkley- you have SUCH a beautiful voice :p
maybe we can do it again someday :)
I admit, I was a little nervous.. and I'm NEVER nervous lol
again thanks for having me on your show.
Congrats Modf on your free months worth of feed content.
in case you couldn't hear details on my contact, I am aprilg@aebn.net
or ICQ 156371927
let's get you set up!

I worked out a special deal with the "boss" lol. anyone who would like to join our program today will earn an extra 5% on their commission- very cool :)
just note that it came from pillowtalk and me ..April G. and I can't wait to work with you all!!

everyone have a great weekend!

ARiA 02-21-2003 05:17 PM


Originally posted by XXXManager
It was SOOOO fun.
Thx Twinkley :)
Thx guys and gals - for being on the show..
Knowing I shared a radio-show with ARiA - I can die peacefully now :p


webgurl 02-21-2003 05:19 PM

Re: Aria and XXXManager on Pillow Talk Today!

Originally posted by twinkley
Need I say more???


3PM eastern!


Umm Twinkley what is that pillowtalk thing? :confused:

wsjb78 02-21-2003 05:28 PM

PillowTalk is a internet based radio show on friday conducted by Twinkley. She normally invites like 2 people and they talk about different things. This was actually the first time I also hooked up into the chat.

It was great. Well done! Another Twinkley Aria combo? Maybe even with FunB and her babay? Would be cool!

Darin 02-21-2003 06:48 PM

I missed it :(

twinkley 02-24-2003 10:09 AM

Ahhhh Aria, you were awesome!

I told ya it wouldnt be hard! It's just talking on the phone with lil ol me :)

You guys were both awesome :) Thanks again for giving out that content package Aria :)

XXXManager - I dont think I have ever had such a prepared guest! You knew what to say before I ever asked the question heheheh

WebGurl - Pillow Talk is my weekly webmaster radio show! Dokk provides the audio over at albumside and we have a chatroom! Its at 3pm eastern time every friday :)


Pidgin 02-24-2003 11:04 AM

WebGurl - if you don't know what PillowTalk is, you are not a complete Gurl yet ;)
Coming friday - next pillow talk - be there :)

ARiA 02-24-2003 05:34 PM

I couldn't get in to the chat session with you guys on friday but I did get a copy of it to look at later ;) (thanks XXXmanager)
Modf??? where O where art thou.. don't you want your prize!!??

Twinkley.. you were a pleasure to speak with! thank you so very much for inviting me to be your guest :) I had fuuuuun!

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