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Evil Chris 01-21-2008 11:44 AM

Hey birdwatchers
What species frequent your backyard?

Here I see a lot of:

sparrows (most common)
black capped chickadees

and less often I see:

American Goldfinch
Rose Breasted Grosbeak
Northern Flicker
Ruby Throated Hummingbird
Broad winged Hawk
Brown headed cowbird
Dark eyed Junko

Elli 01-21-2008 05:31 PM

I'm lucky because the senior couple across the street have no fewer than four bird feeders in their front yard. On a daily basis in the winter I see:

bald eagles (obviously not feeding at the feeders)
douglas and black squirrel
and countless finch and sparrow types

Sometimes I see one of our resident Stellar's Jays, but he doesn't come around too often. There's also a cardinal that visits maybe once a week.

Evil Chris 01-21-2008 07:01 PM

That's cool to see bald eagles. I have never seen one in the wild.

I forgot a few species I am sure, and Starling was one of them. It's funny with them. Some summers I see tons of them, while other years hardly any. Last summer there were so many, and they kicked many sparrows from their nests. I don't think I'll see that many this year.

I have a few feeders in my backyard.

RageCash-Ben 01-22-2008 12:19 AM

We have plenty of
butcher birds
noisy minors

and to a lesser extent

galahs and cockatoos

RageCash-Ben 01-22-2008 12:20 AM

Here is a pic I took of rainbow lorikeet


Sheri Santiago 01-22-2008 07:08 AM

Being that I live up against the mountains at the edge of town I see all kinds of wildlife.

Here are a few I see often:

gambel's quail, elf owl, turkey vulture, grey hawk, hummingbirds

I saw a pair of golden eagles a couple months ago up in the high country, pretty cool!

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