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Vid Vicious 01-21-2008 11:54 AM

I'm back !!
BAck from DR Puerto plata .. ended up staying an extra 6 days ...
Got some rain .. but mostly sunny and hot ... I had an awesome time .. only to come back to - 20 degrees !! jesus why do we live here !

LOL .. anyhow it's back to work . .so anyone with some serious content needs should give me a call in the next week as I 'm booking myself up big time!

Evil Chris 01-21-2008 11:55 AM

Welcome back Vid. Did you have a good time? What did you do and where are the pics??!?! :)

Vid Vicious 01-21-2008 12:02 PM

I had a great time . and err the pics . Umm yah .. could u beleive I only took about 100 pics .. LOL .. took my cam out once the whole time .. some hot pics of my now GF. but that's about it .. I'm horrible with a camera when on vacation or at parties you know that . LOL

we went jet skiing .. and Rented some dune buggys. Mostly though sat on the beach, went sailing (took some course there) a couple of Dives. and rented some cars to go traveling around the island .. driving there is insane !!!

Casa Nova 01-21-2008 03:46 PM

sounds like you had a good time! & congrats on the new g.f!

Evil Chris 01-21-2008 03:58 PM

Vid... who is your new g/f?

TheLegacy 01-21-2008 04:35 PM

Well IM glad you had a good time my friend. Was thinking about you the entire time since you called me up to let me know your plans. Cant wait to see the pictures

Elli 01-21-2008 05:29 PM

Welcome back! Sounds like a good time was had by all :)

Funbrunette 01-22-2008 01:19 PM

Welcome back and show us her tits! :laughout: Seriously sounds like you had a blast! Got a nice tan?

B O B 01-22-2008 02:39 PM

Vid has a gf now?

Evil Chris 01-22-2008 03:22 PM


Originally Posted by B O B (Post 139056)
Vid has a gf now?

That's the part that confused me too.... haha... :laughout:

Terrence 01-22-2008 03:27 PM


Originally Posted by B O B (Post 139056)
Vid has a gf now?

What's her stage name?


Vid Vicious 01-22-2008 05:08 PM


B O B 01-22-2008 06:07 PM

love you Vid!

Ill be your Huckleberry!
btw, should have told me you were down there...I have friends in the DR who would have loved to show the legend Vid Vicious a great time!

Evil Chris 01-22-2008 07:00 PM

I have only been to the DR once. FB and I went to Punta Cana a couple years ago and we had a great time.

Funbrunette 01-23-2008 12:33 PM


Originally Posted by Vid Vicious (Post 139080)

We tease you cuz we love ya babe! :)

Vid Vicious 01-23-2008 04:22 PM

lol .. I know you all love me .. ha ha

Bob .. Damn that would of been cool .. but as you know I intergrad very well into different social groups .. LOL ... I had no problem in Puerto Plata, I enjoy taking the local transportation (20 pesos) rather then 35 USD for a 10 minute ride, damn the cabbies really rip off the tourist .. Also I made freinds with lots of employees at the three different resorts I stayed at ... LOL (we kept hearing about other places so we extended the trip and checked them out too) ... I was able to rent Personal cars rather then Rental cars, got 2006 models for as low as 35$ a day .. Also made an awesome discovery found a little town called "Cabaretta" about 24 Km west of Sosua .. aawesome little town with a great night life. There is a university there that offers a language and sports education exchange program. so the bars and restaurants were filled with fit foreigners from all over. The night life was great, College type bars with live Bands ... We even found a Coco Bongo in Playa Dororada not as big as the one in Cancun but jsut as much fun. I had locals buying me drinks like crazy .. mostly cus my companion is just so damn hot and loves to dance on stage. Dominicans are respectful in that way ... thanking for allowing my GF to dance and letting them look at her .. LOL ...

lastly, we enjoyeed a lovely "Mama Sita" night. Yoanna invited us back to her place for an unforgettable night ... very very injoyable .. for those of you that don't know what Mama sita is ... look it up .. LOL

Lastly since your all so curious to see whom the lovely Bonita Coquetta that accompanied me was .. ...



Funbrunette 01-23-2008 06:36 PM


Rania 01-24-2008 11:21 AM

She's cute, but she looks young. It sounds like you had a fun time Vid.

Vid Vicious 01-24-2008 01:32 PM

I had a great time .. and things are going really well with my bonitta coquetta :)

here's a couple of other pics I dug up from DR ...


BTW I took a sailing course while over there .. Lovin' sailin'


Evil Chris 01-24-2008 02:08 PM

How was the food at your resort?
I haven't heard too much really positive feedback about the north side of DR.

B O B 01-24-2008 02:15 PM



Vid Vicious 01-24-2008 10:11 PM


Originally Posted by Evil Chris (Post 139201)
How was the food at your resort?
I haven't heard too much really positive feedback about the north side of DR.

At the first resort, Grand Bahia Principale .. the food wasn t so hot .. pretty average really ..lucky we only stayed two days and one night.

at the Iberstar, the food was better. This hotel had three "a la carte" restaurants, Brizilian, mexican and Italien ... I did the brizilian and mexican. Loved the brizilian one, though the meat could of been better.
the mexican restaur sucked .

The last resort and our favorite one by far was the Oasis Merien. Food was A1 ... awesome "a la carte" italien, mexican and a Crepery !!

the Buffet was to die for with awesome Meats and poultry. The Best part though was 24/7 Hot dogs and burgers :)


Stephane76 01-25-2008 11:19 AM

salaud, i am jealous! weather is crappy here too

Shane_TDF 01-25-2008 03:47 PM

Sounds lovely Vid. Thanks for the pics, sounds and looks like some place to put in my some day folder!
Glad to hear you had a good time.

Vid Vicious 01-25-2008 04:18 PM


Originally Posted by Shane_TDF (Post 139285)
Sounds lovely Vid. Thanks for the pics, sounds and looks like some place to put in my some day folder!
Glad to hear you had a good time.

I met alot of travelers from the UK there .. Only 8 hour flight direct

Visualad 01-25-2008 04:58 PM

I like bonita pic 1.

Theres something perfecto about it.

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