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Evil Chris 01-25-2008 10:44 AM

Chef Gordon Ramsay
Would you work for him? I wouldn't, but he's still entertaining.

<embed src="http://www.zeemine.com/videoplayer.swf" FlashVars="config=http://www.zeemine.com/flvembed.php?viewkey=a8d3be2fe5614f42ba98" quality="high" bgcolor="#000000" width="390" height="300" loop="false" align="middle" allowFullScreen="true" allowScriptAccess="always" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" pluginspage="http://www.macromedia.com/go/getflashplayer" scale="exactfit" > </embed>

2Much Kedra 01-25-2008 11:43 AM

Honestly, I think after 5min, I'd be telling him to go F#$k himself. I can handle people telling me I'm wrong, but don't be a prick about it unless I've REALLY screwed up. LOL

B O B 01-25-2008 12:15 PM

seriously, after 15 years in the restaurant biz...he doesnt do anything that he shouldnt be doing...

he strives for cleanliness and excellence...i think the guy is the best.

NY Jester 01-25-2008 12:43 PM

I think he gets the job done. worked in food and bev for 8 years and some chefs/cooks/waitresses etc need the HELLO! Youre there to serve people..do it right.

I really like the guy


Evil Chris 01-25-2008 01:20 PM


Originally Posted by B O B (Post 139253)
seriously, after 15 years in the restaurant biz...he doesnt do anything that he shouldnt be doing...

he strives for cleanliness and excellence...i think the guy is the best.

I think you're completely right. Like how he puts it on his show: "Your cooking, my standards."
Obviously his TV shows are embellished for effect, but I wouldn't doubt that he's a lot like that in the kitchen for real.

RageCash-Ben 01-27-2008 12:29 AM

One of the best reality shows I have seen in a long time.

Probably wouldn't want to work for him but he is excellent!!

Casa Nova 01-27-2008 03:47 PM

He is definitely entertaining and is very blunt which is a good thing when in that environment. Isn't the next webmaster access east in New york? If so we should all go eat at his restaurant there.

Evil Chris 01-27-2008 10:47 PM


Originally Posted by Casa Nova (Post 139335)
He is definitely entertaining and is very blunt which is a good thing when in that environment. Isn't the next webmaster access east in New york? If so we should all go eat at his restaurant there.

Not a bad idea, but I think his place might be one of those where you'd have to make your reservations months in advance.

Kinda like Dorcia's. :laughout:

Casa Nova 01-28-2008 04:18 AM

The london, is booked up to a month in advance. We could book them soon if we really wanted.

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