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TheEnforcer 01-29-2008 09:19 AM

Guys- what physical feature do you first notice or like the best on a woman?
Simple question. Which physical feature on a woman is most attractive/gets your attention the most on a woman?

Virgule3 01-29-2008 09:21 AM

I'm really curious to see the answers to this one...



Evil Chris 01-29-2008 09:22 AM

Well the topic is what I would FIRST notice... and that would have to be the face and hair.
If that's appealing I move on.... errr rather... down! ;)

TheEnforcer 01-29-2008 09:27 AM

Hmm.... maybe I should have reworded it to what physical feature most attracts you to a woman. For me it's the eyes. NOTHING can draw me in better than really beautiful eyes.

TheEnforcer 01-29-2008 09:28 AM


Originally Posted by Virgule3 (Post 139474)
I'm really curious to see the answers to this one...



Votes are public so that's not a problem!! :laughout:

Evil Chris 01-29-2008 09:37 AM

ok I said eyes.... but hair is a close 2nd! :)

Relentless 01-29-2008 09:46 AM

Her voice.

I learned a long time ago, a hot chick with an annoying voice is horrible to be around. An average girl with a hot voice can be entertaining forever.

TheEnforcer 01-29-2008 10:31 AM


Originally Posted by Relentless (Post 139484)
Her voice.

I learned a long time ago, a hot chick with an annoying voice is horrible to be around. An average girl with a hot voice can be entertaining forever.

A voice certainly can be sexy. I would love nothing more than to date/marry a british or aussie lady with stunning eyes. Can't get enough of listeing to them talk.

Stephane76 01-29-2008 10:41 AM

The eyes of course!

12clicks 01-29-2008 10:46 AM

face, quickly followed by body type. then ass.

Rochard 01-29-2008 08:41 PM

Boobs. That's all I see.

2MuchMark 01-29-2008 09:56 PM

Um... you forgot her FACE!



2MuchMark 01-29-2008 09:57 PM

Seriously, Face is #1 for me. The face tells you alot about the woman. I could care less if she's got big boobs or small, etc etc. it's all face for me.


TheLegacy 01-30-2008 07:50 AM

So why isn't "purse" on the list?

Mr. Plow 01-30-2008 12:13 PM

Well, I am pretty much of a tit-mouse, but I would have to say personality and face, the two things you have to deal with all the time. After that boobs, which are a nice bonus, but not essential operating equipment:P

dyonisus 01-30-2008 02:44 PM

I notice her eyes, her smile and then like EC does, I move on down following the curves. Legs are a big thing for me and if they end in bad shoes, forget about it

Terrence 01-30-2008 07:04 PM

I'm an ass man


Vid Vicious 01-31-2008 11:52 AM

ok . you'll find me wierd . but the first things I look at are her Neck, eyes, nose, elbows and Angles .. bad angles can completely kill it for me even if she's a knock out ... These features are quickly followed by ass, legs, hips and breast .. in that order.

if a girl doesn't have the first group of features .. there is really no use in continuing .. however should her Angles be acceptible the only feature in the second catagory that can make or break it for me is "ass" there is only two kinds of asses that I do not like. So it's pretty rare for a girl to have all the features I enjoy and not the ass .. though it has happened.

As for the breast feature it's all about the shape and not the size for me ... If your wondering what it is about elbows, angles and hips that turns me on .. simply put it's the curves. Hense my adoration of necks, eyes,asses, legs, hips, elbows, shoulders, lower backs, breast, calves, and angles ...

we now return you to your usual broadcast day .. thank you

Vid Vicious 01-31-2008 11:56 AM


Originally Posted by TheEnforcer (Post 139487)
A voice certainly can be sexy. I would love nothing more than to date/marry a british or aussie lady with stunning eyes. Can't get enough of listeing to them talk.

here here .. My current GF . .has an awesome voice and sexy accent ... Never really looked at that as a feature . but it sure as hell is a selling point

Mister E 02-01-2008 01:17 PM

Blessed are the legs, allowing her to walk to the altar.

SGBmedia 02-01-2008 02:30 PM

Leg Man (newbie too hey all!)

RageCash-Ben 02-03-2008 07:15 PM

Her face and hair :)

TheEnforcer 02-04-2008 12:22 PM

Great responses in the thread. Thanks guys.

Terrence 02-04-2008 12:54 PM

This thread needs pictures.


carol.prime 02-04-2008 01:50 PM

well, i need to know the ranking.. lol!

CashFlow 02-04-2008 03:05 PM


There you go Terrence *wink*


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