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TheLegacy 01-30-2008 12:58 PM

Canada Strip Bars In Jeopardy of Shutting Down!!
MPs Mull Proposal To Ban Foreign Strippers
Tuesday January 29, 2008
CityNews.ca Staff

Canada's strip bars may be gyrating into oblivion if a proposed federal law gets passed which would ban foreign strippers from getting visas.

Thousands of strip clubs across Canada may be forced to close their doors if the law passes, and some bar owners say the move would drive the dancers into a dangerous underground industry.

The federal Immigration Committee meets on Wednesday to discuss changes that affect temporary foreign workers. And many of those foreign workers make their livings in local strip clubs.

"It would kill the industry for sure. A lot of businesses will close down because there's not enough girls," notes strip club manager Pierre Brazeau.

"A lot of strip clubs will be closing, and it will be pushing the girls to go underground. An agency will drive them to go to massage parlors and.underground clubs will take over."

Bill C17 takes on those who would exploit new immigrants or new refugees. Under the law, immigration officials would have the power to refuse or accept foreign strippers. They can be denied if they perceive any risk of exploitation.

"For many years, the Liberal government allowed a blanket exemption for strippers to come in and unfortunately many of them were sexually exploited and abused and we want to prevent that. That's why we're bringing this bill in," said Diane Finlay, Minister of Citizenship and Immigration.


Okay, first off I think this is all BS. My ex was a stripper for many years and what has transpired since clubs starting using outside girls is the dancing has gotten dirtier and those from Canada must now "lower" themselves to do extra favors just to get some money for that night.

This is NOT going to drive anyone under ground except maybe the girls who come over here. The clubs will be pissed off because they know that the current line up of Canadian girls (which is huge btw) are not likely to continue on with the dirty dancing that is now common place.

Clubs spend good money bringing girls in from overseas - most of the time keeping their passport as hostage until they pay $xxxx.xx to get it back. So ya, I do like this new law coming up since its a win - win for girls in Canada trying to make a living but also for girls who are tricked into coming here only to find they have to strip for a living or more just to get their passports back.

No the clubs wont' shut down - no there isn't a shortage of girls and no the girls coming over are not going underground to work in massage parlors as much since the club owners really don't get too much involved with that part of the industry because it's more susceptible to police raids. Just my feeling on it.


Evil Chris 01-30-2008 01:13 PM

I want Diane Finlay to work as a stripper for week to fully understand the impact of what is being proposed.

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