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TABAsst 01-31-2008 08:32 PM

EuroRevenue Unveils Newest Site GagTheBitch.com
CHAM, Switzerland – Global affiliate powerhouse EuroRevenue (www.EuroRevenue.com) today unveiled its newest site, GagTheBitch.com.


As the name suggests, Gag The Bitch offers adult surfers a blitz of deep-throat gagging and choking videos. As is customary with every EuroRevenue site, the content is 100% exclusive and succeeds at pushing the envelope further.

The GagTheBitch.com guest tour is a compelling, interactive affair, showcasing dozens of starlets through evocative profiles, graphic teaser clips and intense hardcore photos.

Owner and founder of EuroRevenue, Joe Holm had this to say about the new site.


“It’s a milestone moment for us. We’re tilting toward a simpler design to really drive the point home. This is a treasure trove of in-your-face content that is destined to shock and amaze. If you’ve got any kind of oral traffic, welcome to the next level. Welcome to GagTheBitch.com.”

Inside the members area, DVD-quality Gag The Bitch movies abound. Subscribers can pick the viewing options that suit them best. Every scene is available in fully navigable, crystal-clear streaming. Members can also opt for DRM-free downloads that are available in sizes to suit every connection speed.


New videos are being added all the time, and GagTheBitch.com is bolstered by terabytes of bonus content and 30+ free sites.

Between the guest tour hooks and the unbelievable members area content, affiliates can count on high conversions and rock-solid retention with ER’s newest release.

Said Holm, “This is where phrases like ‘Have your cake and eat it, too’ come from. Whether you cater to the oral sex purist or more generic strains of traffic, you can count on GagTheBitch.com to satisfy all comers.”

Webmasters can also market effectively to all comers thanks to an armory of sales tools including banners, FPAs, galleries, free content and more.

Program options include a PPS payout of $40/join, and a revshare plan worth as much as 75% recurring.


As always, a referral program worth 5% for life is on the table, too.

Webmasters can leverage the global consumer market as well, thanks to cascading billing, multicurrency payment options and 24/7 support.

GagTheBitch.com joins CumCoveredBlondes.com as the company’s second site launch of ’08.

To learn more about GagTheBitch.com and every EuroRevenue site, visit www.EuroRevenue.com today!

keithwoo 02-01-2008 03:46 PM

Site looks good

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