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SlickRick 02-10-2008 03:10 PM

Sweetheart of an advertising deal!!
Sweetheart of an advertising deal!!

In tradition with Valentine's day, www.SlickRicksPornReviews.com is offering a sweetheart of an advertising deal. The first 50 people and or affiliates that purchases 1 year of advertising in our partner links section, we will give you the second year for free. You are getting a 120x600 skyscrapper banner for less than .83 cents a day. We will not sell a niche that has already been purchased.

You will be the only one to have a banner in whatever category/niche you choose. So lock in your category now.

This advertising deal expires 02-14-2008 at 11:59:59

Please contact us if you're interested.
SlickRicksPornReviews @ gmail.com
or ICQ

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