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Kenny B 02-19-2008 04:39 PM

Knight Rider, best Ford commercial yet:-)
Even though it's obviously "sponsored by Ford" it was a great premier and think they will have a good series from what I've seen so far.

You guys enjoy the show?

Spoiler Alert - don't read if you haven't watched it -

The 1 minute appearance from the Hoff was ridiculous, hi I'm your father, well, take care, bye. Would have been too funny if Michael Jr. turned and said WTF man thats all you have to say you dead beat mother fucker, thanks for nothing.

Also I like the only GMC they have in the show is a Denali with no badges anywhere and ends up getting totaled when it hit's the Mustang!

Vid Vicious 02-20-2008 01:37 PM

do you mean these commercials ?

<object width="425" height="355"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/v/eqemKcXUGfA&rel=1"></param><param name="wmode" value="transparent"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/v/eqemKcXUGfA&rel=1" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" width="425" height="355"></embed></object>

Rania 02-20-2008 01:50 PM

Thanks Vid lol I was about to ask kenny to post the commercials :laughout:

2MuchMark 02-20-2008 07:01 PM

I watched it and thought the show was good. Just as cool though were the commercials. I thought Ford did an excellent job with the entire night. I found myself into the show, then into the commercials, then into the "business" of advertising on a show like this. Of course it was product placement, but DAMMIT did I ever want a Shelby Mustang after this show was done. (And I'm a Firebird guy who hates those silly girly-car mustangs!)


Evil Chris 02-20-2008 10:53 PM

I didn't watch it, and I was never a fan of the original either.

You guys think it will last very long?
Bionic Woman has been cancelled from what I heard.

FreakySteve 02-20-2008 11:07 PM

I really liked it. Had a similar feel to the original, but modernized.

The original show was cheese, but groundbreaking so it worked. This version may not have the same elements, but it was definitely entertaining. I was also glad that they brought the story into present day instead of trying to retell it.

Now when are they going to resurrect Hardcastle and McCormick?

Virgule3 02-21-2008 12:04 PM


It was a Pontiac Firebird!!!!! Couldn't it have been a special model even if they don't make it anymore?

Sorry, I hate Fords. Ugly... Even the Mustang... :(


Doug of Montreal 02-21-2008 01:00 PM


Originally Posted by Virgule3 (Post 140708)
Sorry, I hate Fords. Ugly... Even the Mustang... :(

I used to feel the same way... they couldn't have pulled it off in the 80s, but the new Mustangs I don't mind so much.

Kenny B 02-22-2008 12:15 PM

I actually meant the whole show is product placement for Ford, sorry I guess I wasn't clear.

I guess GM didn't lost enough money this past year they couldn't afford to but the spot. Which is surprising, with the new Camaro coming out I'd have thought it would have been perfect for Kitt

born2blog 02-22-2008 12:20 PM

I really enjoyed the premiere and can't wait to see new episodes. That Ford mustang rocks!! Also, I agree with you Kenny B about the Hoff appearance, that was really really lame but the rest of the show was great.

Rochard 02-22-2008 03:39 PM


Originally Posted by Virgule3 (Post 140708)

It was a Pontiac Firebird!!!!! Couldn't it have been a special model even if they don't make it anymore?

Sorry, I hate Fords. Ugly... Even the Mustang... :(


I'm a Ford fan myself, but I agree - If they were going to use a newer car they should have used a mock up of the new firebird or something.

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