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DatingGold 02-22-2003 02:04 AM

please critique our site

Please critique our new site, any suggestions welcome.



crazyal 02-22-2003 02:33 AM

Clean Layout Design !!
Might wanna Sharpen the Images for the Date Match banners some looks blury.
Overall , Nice Looking :)

Mister X 02-22-2003 12:22 PM

It's a nice clean design. Loads fast and there don't seem to be any glitches. It's not a very original looking design though. I'm not saying it's bad, just that there's nothing that really jumps out and catches your eye.

Darin 02-22-2003 02:20 PM

Thank goodness nothing jumps out and catches my eye, I need my eyes.

As far as the site design, looks fine. Doesnt look mickey mouse, so thats a good sign..

only real test is your paycheck :)

Feynman 02-22-2003 08:12 PM


Originally posted by crazyal
Clean Layout Design !!
Might wanna Sharpen the Images for the Date Match banners some looks blury.
Overall , Nice Looking :)

You should offer a 20% discount (temporary, let's say for one year) to anybody paying you with E-Gold units or GoldMoney (https://online.kitco.com/sellprice/completelist.html)

Gold is transferable from Kitco (or other places) to a final destination without any traces, typically. It can be reconverted anywhere.

I've heard that E-Gold redemption has been flaky. I don't know. Some merchant had bitter experiences with them, but maybe it dates somehow and they ironed-out their toothing problems.

I am not aware of the latest regulation though about gold transfers.

Gold is on the rise, and on the long term, because of the very high personnal debt level of the american public, it will rise in the long term.

Kitco will wire your gold anywhere in the world for no charge. At least, it used to do it.

I did not compute the cost of the transaction, but it is probably lower than with IPSPs. Furthermore, these transactions are absolutely irreversible, final. No charge backs, no refunds. They are *absolute* transactions.

Visualad 02-22-2003 10:06 PM

hey mr datinggold!

I like the site design, and as a favour for me clicking and watching your site, cant you click on my thread and answer one of the biggest questions in life:


thanks man!


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