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Mister X 02-22-2003 12:36 PM

Attention All Newbies! Important Message!
Since there are so dang many of you in the last couple of days I'll just say welcome to the whole bunch of you at once!

Welcome aboard the Mighty X Xpress! :xhappy:

Oh yeah... the important message... This is a Clothing Optional Zone.

Darin 02-22-2003 02:13 PM

Yeah welcome all the newBs!

Dont be shy, post.. Evil Chris aint so evil!

Feynman 02-22-2003 07:50 PM

Yeah, me too !

This is a Bulk Messaging to all of you.

Welcum New Bees !

(and you thought you'd get rich without any sweat, huh ? he he...)

Mister X 02-23-2003 02:23 AM


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