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Kenny B 02-29-2008 12:17 PM

USA #1!
I was shocked to read that America ranks as numero uno in the world for incarcerations...

NEW YORK - For the first time in U.S. history, more than one of every 100 adults is in jail or prison, according to a new report documenting America’s rank as the world’s No. 1 incarcerator. It urges states to curtail corrections spending by placing fewer low-risk offenders behind bars.

Using state-by-state data, the report says 2,319,258 Americans were in jail or prison at the start of 2008 — one out of every 99.1 adults. Whether per capita or in raw numbers, it’s more than any other nation.

The report, released Thursday by the Pew Center on the States, said the 50 states spent more than $49 billion on corrections last year, up from less than $11 billion 20 years earlier. The rate of increase for prison costs was six times greater than for higher education spending, the report said.


What crazy numbers, close to 50 billion on inmates. it's a great argument for capitol punishment!

Crak_JMan 02-29-2008 12:40 PM

And that doesn't count all the people on house arrest or halfway house.

Yay let's put everyone we catch we a joint in jail... Let the country pay for them... Jail = BIG BUSINESS

Evil Chris 02-29-2008 02:26 PM


Originally Posted by Kenny B (Post 141170)
What crazy numbers, close to 50 billion on inmates. it's a great argument for capitol punishment!

What a great argument for Communism!

Those numbers are staggering. Too bad students don't get allocated those kinds of funds.

Magnus3x 02-29-2008 02:40 PM

I wonder how many are doing time for a Oz of weed.

Evil Chris 02-29-2008 02:54 PM

Go to jail and meet nice folks like this guy...

<object width="425" height="355"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/v/AIBc5CgjHxs"></param><param name="wmode" value="transparent"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/v/AIBc5CgjHxs" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" width="425" height="355"></embed></object>

Crak_JMan 02-29-2008 03:41 PM


Originally Posted by Magnus3x (Post 141192)
I wonder how many are doing time for a Oz of weed.

What's an Oz :huh:

Evil Chris 02-29-2008 03:46 PM


Originally Posted by JMan (Post 141197)
What's an Oz :huh:


Panky 02-29-2008 04:04 PM

Being an American and living in the States the majority of my life, I'm not surprised in the least at those numbers.

Crak_JMan 02-29-2008 04:34 PM


Originally Posted by Evil Chris (Post 141198)

LOL what's Weed??? ;-) (you didn't pick up the sarcasm)

Kenny B 02-29-2008 06:03 PM

The numbers are nuts, they have all this man power and need to find a way to have them make the government and society money rather then be a drain.

RageCash-Ben 03-05-2008 09:42 PM

Big big business. I think the 2nd biggest industry in Texas is 'corrections'

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