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Virgule3 03-09-2008 08:31 PM

A bunch of good things... How will they end?
I got my super cool boots this week! They are more than awesome!!! Everyone tells me they are great, even strangers at the mall!

I bought a gorgeous eternity ring for 160$ and it turns out it is real diamonds and the value is around $2300!!!

A young couple came to visit my house today, twice! They are SUPER interested to buy it... Hopefully it will work!

I also started talking again to the guy I was seeing last summer... Remember? The guy who was perfect for me? I had a dream about him and I wrote him to tell him and we started talking again... He says he thinks about me often... Is that a good sign? I really fell in love with him... I still have strong feelings for him...

My butt feels better. Since wednesday, the big pain's gone. It still hurts a bit and itches, but I can walk normally now and sort of sit normally as well...

So far, it has been a good week I think. I needed to share it with you guys.


Evil Chris 03-09-2008 11:19 PM

What a positive read that was. I'm really glad to hear things are going your way Sophie, you really deserve it.
Now if only you were a Maple Leafs fan. They might actually be making the playoffs this year! ;)

Visualad 03-10-2008 09:36 AM

sounds like all is well then.. :-)

Maybe just wait until that butt of yours is fully healed before starting to date the guy.. I mean.. It might get weird if you walk funny and cant sit..

And ofcourse if you end up having SExY TimE - you would want that butt to be 100%..


Panky 03-10-2008 10:44 AM

Good to hear Sophie!

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