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AltGirl 03-17-2008 02:29 PM

New to the board
Hi everybody,

A friend suggested I come by and join this forum. :) Looks like there are lots of faces from north of the border too. I look forward to getting to know you.

Take care,


Quagmire 03-17-2008 02:51 PM

AltGirl is awesome. I've known her since I first started poking around the adult forums. Great program she has running too.

Alt Cash is a great niched program with a babe and bondage site. She's even upgraded her studio equipment to HD for producing content for the sites.

Welcome to Xnations! :heart:

PantieZ 03-17-2008 03:30 PM

welcome :)

Casa Nova 03-17-2008 03:37 PM

welcome to the club!

Stinger 03-17-2008 03:53 PM

Welcome to te Nations....

Need anything Feel free to hit me up.

flashca$hkris 03-17-2008 04:04 PM


Panky 03-17-2008 06:37 PM

Welcum to XNations! http://www.icando4u.com/smile/wave2.gif

Evil Chris 03-17-2008 07:38 PM

HI Alt girl.... what's happening?

AltGirl 03-18-2008 12:12 PM

hey all, thanks for the welcome xnations ;)

vger 03-18-2008 12:38 PM

welcome alt girl!

Stephane76 03-18-2008 02:56 PM

Welcome alt girl! :)

Dullspanky 03-18-2008 07:45 PM

Hi. Great sites :)

AltGirl 03-19-2008 11:49 AM

Thanks Dullspanky, you too. ;)

TCSMatt 03-22-2008 02:32 PM

Welcome AltGirl! Happy Saturday!

RageCash-Ben 03-22-2008 11:01 PM

Welcome to xnations mate

MediaGuy 03-23-2008 08:22 PM

Hallo alt girl!

I got some personal sites - you're next on my list ;)

Gimme someone to fall in love with !


born2blog 03-24-2008 09:57 PM

Hello AltGirl, welcome to XNations!!

Funbrunette 03-25-2008 01:56 PM

Hello and welcome to Xnations :)

AltGirl 03-26-2008 04:11 PM

Hey thanks all for the warm welcome!


romaba 04-08-2008 01:51 PM

Hello AltGirl<!-- v3 Arcade -->

Doug of Montreal 04-08-2008 02:02 PM

Hey Altgirl! Why aren't we doing business yet? We can send sales from Rabbits and FetishFish. Our submits are here: RABBITS and FISH. Drop me an ICQ if you have questions!

Rochard 04-09-2008 02:58 AM

Welcome to XN Altgirl.

Let me explain to you how things work around here.

First off, I'm either God or the devil incarnate. I haven't decided which; If you figure it out and can clue me in please let me know.

Casa Nova, who posted in this thread, is less of a lady's man and more of a cross dresser. In the event you don't believe me, here he is... On the left. He looks wonderful in virgin white.


Evil Chris lies - He has no relationship to Anderson Cooper or Gloria Vanderbilt.

I have never slept with anyone on this board. If that changes, I'll be sure to post pictures.

This is a picture of me and my girlfriend. But I'm not telling you which is which.


There is woman named Elli who may or may not post here. I'm not sure. I think she does. Anyhow, she's very beautiful but don't be fooled - She's Canadian:


She's not too bright either, but only because I've asked her to marry me for like the fourth or fith time and she's still saying no. I've offered to fly up to the Great White North, drug her, hog tie her (read: HAWT), and drag her across the border but she totally screwed up my plans when she asked me how I was going to get her through customs. (How very typical of her to fuck up my carefully laid plans.) Not sure why I told her my plans any how. I need to keep those to myself.

Oh, if anyone on X Nations offers you dinner as a prize, well, just buy dinner yourself and send them the bill. If not you'll go hungry.

What else?

Vid Vicious is pretty cool. Doug from Montreal is pretty nice, but I think he's really from Quebec. Panky doesn't seem to like me too much but only because I tend to post here late at night when I'm drinking Red Bull (Is it true that stuff is banned up North??? Eh?)

Lastly.... If your Canadian AND speak French AND ring me up on cell AND talk dirty to me IN FRENCH....... I'll instantly cream my jeans.

PS: Fun Brunette - Call me!

Rochard 04-09-2008 03:03 AM

Crap. I forgot to mention the Legacy.

He's a nice guy, but less of a legacy and more a bad dream that never ends. He's older than me and his wife is half my age; Do the math - He's my idol. Although I think my girlfriend is hotter than his wife but that's another thread.

I call him "the curse" because he blessed - yes, I said blessed - blessed us with a man named Lawerence Connor who has stalked a good portion of the adult industry.

Welcome to the board.

Doug of Montreal 04-09-2008 09:11 AM


Originally Posted by Rochard (Post 142520)
Welcome to the board.

Man, do you welcome EVERYONE this way?!?! I think you scared ME a little! haha! Maybe it's the RedBull? And YES, thank gawd, they do sell it up here now. Many a good party night has been saved thanks to it!

TheLegacy 04-09-2008 11:25 AM


Originally Posted by Rochard (Post 142520)
Crap. I forgot to mention the Legacy.

He's a nice guy, but less of a legacy and more a bad dream that never ends. He's older than me and his wife is half my age; Do the math - He's my idol. Although I think my girlfriend is hotter than his wife but that's another thread.

I call him "the curse" because he blessed - yes, I said blessed - blessed us with a man named Lawerence Connor who has stalked a good portion of the adult industry.

Welcome to the board.

Diplomacy is the art of petting a barking dog with one hand - while reaching for a club with the other. Congrads.

Rochard 04-09-2008 11:49 AM


Originally Posted by Doug of Montreal (Post 142522)
Man, do you welcome EVERYONE this way?!?! I think you scared ME a little! haha! Maybe it's the RedBull? And YES, thank gawd, they do sell it up here now. Many a good party night has been saved thanks to it!

No, I don't usually great everyone this way. It was a queer combination of too much Red Bull and a sudden desire to tell the truth.

You guys have the Red Bull up North now? Great, now I can come visit.

Vid Vicious 04-09-2008 12:30 PM


Welcome to the X ...

nice intro Roc

MediaGuy 04-09-2008 01:55 PM


Originally Posted by Rochard (Post 142518)
Welcome to XN Altgirl.

Lastly.... If your Canadian AND speak French AND ring me up on cell AND talk dirty to me IN FRENCH....... I'll instantly cream my jeans.

Interesting. What's your number?

Rochard 04-09-2008 09:17 PM


Originally Posted by MediaGuy (Post 142540)
Interesting. What's your number?

FB has it.

Casa Nova 04-09-2008 09:41 PM

That had to be one of the greatest intros of all time haha Good one Roc

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