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Evil Chris 03-22-2008 11:07 PM

Happy Easter XNations
It's Saturday night and I am about to put on my Easter Bunny hat and put out the Easter treats for Ryan.

I wish everyone a happy Easter.
I couldn't find a bunny smiley, so here is an Easter goldfish and an Easter beaver. :goldfish: :beaver:

Mr. Plow 03-23-2008 03:09 AM

Fa la la la laaaa...oh bugger. I must need a long weekend. Happy Easter:)

GTP Dave 03-23-2008 08:16 AM

too much chocolate here... surrounded by bunnies n eggs ;)

Casa Nova 03-23-2008 12:51 PM

I miss the easter egg hunts as a kid, I gotta start hiring someone to hide the eggs around the house for me lmfao

Happy easter everyone.

Evil Chris 03-23-2008 04:05 PM

Did anyone go to church this morning? ;)

Mr. Plow 03-23-2008 10:37 PM

Interesting question for this crowd:P No, I went to dim sum, Chinese brunch. Mmm, dim sum...

TheLegacy 03-24-2008 12:53 PM

We had a easter party with 25 people on saturday - then some of the kids stayed over night playing Smash on Wii - then had another group over on Sunday with another turkey dinner. Was great - barely slept !!

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