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Mr. Plow 03-23-2008 03:10 AM

Naked woman on internet strangely popular
Someone should look into this, it might be important!

MediaGuy 03-23-2008 07:51 PM

"Vianna, who closely examined the photograph over several days in an attempt to understand its appeal,"

Oh my fucking lord that killed me with utter bladder convulsions! I BET he closely examined the photo over several days! lol

Ah wonder if he went through the whole bottle of lube, which brand he prefers, and if its silicon based or what?

That chick is sleek and very attractive. And completely anonymous. I WANNA know more now. Mystery about her appeal? Ok... but I don't go to church, so...

MediaGuy 03-23-2008 08:01 PM

Ok i just finished reading it... it's deadpan humour, this can't be serious...

Mr. Plow 03-23-2008 10:50 PM

No, no, the onion is a parody site. Still, funny as hell:)

MediaGuy 03-24-2008 07:53 AM

yeahyeah i know... the perils of being a fast-clicker... lol i got caught :P

the anonymous woman is Hannah at Met-Art (pure coincidence that I came across her today):


Mr. Plow 03-24-2008 11:57 AM

That's o.k., it's the sort of post that'll get your attention like that:)

TheLegacy 03-24-2008 12:52 PM

Wow - pretty soon they may actually have the internet on computers so you can watch naked women while you work

born2blog 03-24-2008 10:06 PM

ok that article made absolutely no sense to me?!?

SykkBoy 03-31-2008 11:57 AM

The Onion is one of the funniest sites on the web

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