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Visualad 03-27-2008 09:55 PM

Some new movies I watched that I recommend.. Add yours!
ok. its been a few months since I did one of these threads, so here goes:

The Oh In Ohio - Sex comedy:


I didnt expect it to be this good.. But I really liked it. About a girl that cant get orgasms.. GET IT! I bet youŽll like it too.

Lets see if you get the message they want to get through aswell.. ;-)

Another pretty good one is FIDO:


Half of my friends loved it, the other thought it was shit.. I think it was a special and well made movie. ;-)

I also liked Lions for lambs. Not a great movie, but a good one.


These are some of the latest movies I seen.. I recommend you to check them out and add your own recommendations here!

Evil Chris 03-28-2008 02:17 PM

I have been meaning to see Fido and Lions. I will eventually get to it.

FB and I went to see "Shutter" recently. It's a horror film along the same lines as The Ring and The Grudge and we liked it. Good original story and scary.

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