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Evil Chris 03-31-2008 07:43 AM

Home from another great Phoenix Forum
I got in quite late last night around 11:30pm. I was originally supposed to arrive sometime after 6pm but Continental oversold my Phoenix > Newark flight and guess who the lucky one to get re-routed through Las Vegas was? Yep... it was me. So it was a very long day yesterday.

Anyway, another successful Phoenix Forum. Much congratulations to the CCBill people for doing such a great job once again. I'm sure JFK will be along with pictures soon.

Did everyone else get home ok? I know there was quite a contingent of Montrealers there too.

Panky 03-31-2008 10:33 AM

Welcome back Chris!

Stephane76 03-31-2008 11:12 AM


Originally Posted by Evil Chris (Post 142217)
I was originally supposed to arrive sometime after 6pm but Continental oversold my Phoenix > Newark flight and guess who the lucky one to get re-routed through Las Vegas was? Yep... it was me.

I hope they hook you up with a free ticket for their mistake

Casa Nova 03-31-2008 12:29 PM

I'm glad to hear it was quite a success for you. There was a bit of drama surrounding the event afterwards because of the media though, what are your thoughts on that?

Quagmire 03-31-2008 03:20 PM

Was great seeing you again Chris, and was even greater to actually be able to have a long conversation with you.

I hope those pics of us wearing the pig snouts shows up soon. I need a new MSN avatar. :laughout:

Evil Chris 03-31-2008 03:25 PM


Originally Posted by Quagmire (Post 142228)
Was great seeing you again Chris, and was even greater to actually be able to have a long conversation with you.

I hope those pics of us wearing the pig snouts shows up soon. I need a new MSN avatar. :laughout:

Oh I am sure they will show up soon... :laughout:

Was good seeing you too. Good show for you then?

Magnus3x 03-31-2008 03:47 PM

Excellent to hear :) by far the best show and it sux I had to miss it this year.

Evil Chris 03-31-2008 03:56 PM


Originally Posted by Casa Nova (Post 142225)
I'm glad to hear it was quite a success for you. There was a bit of drama surrounding the event afterwards because of the media though, what are your thoughts on that?

Does anyone have a copy of the memo that was circulating the Mission Palms hotel on Saturday?

Apparently there were a couple of undercover officers at the show that day, looking for reasons to remove the hotel's liquor license. Like nudity for example. That's just stupid. I mean, the whole hotel was privatized for our use!

Doug of Montreal 04-01-2008 10:43 AM


Originally Posted by Evil Chris (Post 142233)
Apparently there were a couple of undercover officers at the show that day, looking for reasons to remove the hotel's liquor license. Like nudity for example.

I would have pegged Phoenix to be a more open than that. That's really too bad. But nothing happened, did it? There were no "incidents"?

Evil Chris 04-01-2008 11:01 AM

No specific incidents at all. At least none that I am aware of.

The dodgeball event was cancelled after the first day due to the over exposure of boobs. Really obscene stuff right???

There were media helicopters flying around the hotel, like they had never seen this kind of thing before or something. It must have been a REALLY slow news day.

Doug of Montreal 04-01-2008 01:25 PM

Helicopters? Really? That's funny! You just never know what some assignment editor is going to pick up on. It will be interesting to see if there's teh same reception--or worse--next year. But boobs always make for good TV.... even the "over exposed" ones.

TheLegacy 04-01-2008 03:09 PM

Wow amazing that they had such a great news day - with all those camera's above - did we get to see any down shirt pics?

Stinger 04-01-2008 03:46 PM

Had a Trumendous time ... You look in TOP SHAPE Evil man ....

Return was... Normal for us Yesssss !

Now let's get back to things that REALLY MATTER.... Like PLAYOFFS !

And ho wait.... Nop tought I felt tears donw my cheeks cause the White and Blue where not there but geeeeee its a HUUUUUUGE smile instead;)


Quagmire 04-03-2008 03:25 PM


Originally Posted by Evil Chris (Post 142230)
Oh I am sure they will show up soon... :laughout:

Was good seeing you too. Good show for you then?

The show was really productive for me. I'm glad I was given the opportunity to go to Phoenix.

Evil Chris 04-04-2008 04:31 PM


Originally Posted by TheLegacy (Post 142260)
Wow amazing that they had such a great news day - with all those camera's above - did we get to see any down shirt pics?

I'm just hoping that all the extra local media attention didn't ruin The Mission Palms as the favored venue of The Phoenix Forum.

It shouldn't either since the people that attend are well behaved and professional. No incidents, no stupidity... at least not that I saw or heard of.

Kenny B 04-08-2008 01:42 PM


Originally Posted by Quagmire (Post 142228)
Was great seeing you again Chris, and was even greater to actually be able to have a long conversation with you.

I hope those pics of us wearing the pig snouts shows up soon. I need a new MSN avatar. :laughout:

Took me a while but the pig nose pics are up, look around they won't be hard to spot:-)

I also got bumped from SouthWest and got a free flight. Luckily they got me on the next flight 50 minutes later, so what might have been a full day worked out to only an extra hour.

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