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Funbrunette 02-24-2003 11:27 AM

Yuck! I woke up in a bad mood and it seems everything is getting worse as the day unfolds! What do you do when you feel cranky? :bad mood:

StuartD 02-24-2003 11:36 AM

1 Attachment(s)
You could always try some water skiing....

I think you have to step out of what you're doing, and do something you enjoy.

A long warm bath, some music you like, a show you like.... something that'll "break the cycle" that you're in.

you know? People say that taking 30 mins or an hour to do something else is wasting away your time, but realistically, you may get 3 hours less work done because of a grumpy mood. So by taking that 1 hour, you made up for 2 ;)

If not... here's the water skiing idea...

webgurl 02-24-2003 01:35 PM

Hmmm.. i don't like to be around anyone when i am cranky/bad mood. Just maybe go for walk get some fresh air :)

Vid Vicious 02-24-2003 01:38 PM

Use chris to Bring out your fustrations .. that's what he there for .. LOL

StuartD 02-24-2003 01:55 PM


Originally posted by Vid Vicious
Use chris to Bring out your fustrations .. that's what he there for .. LOL
Hahaha... I've been wondering why I haven't seen him post for the past couple of hours....

Purple Haze 02-24-2003 02:06 PM

Love that water skiing pic StuartD. :)

Purple Haze

Raya 02-24-2003 02:07 PM

I have all sorts of ways of fighting being grumpy. Winter makes me grumpy so of late I find myself getting grumpy all the time.

Sometimes I clean I did that today. The other day I turned the music up real loud while I was working on a design. I had on earphones so I wouldn't drive my partner crazy (a small boat is not a good place for really loud music the vibrations are harsh) Sometimes I paint things, I'm messy so it makes me feel good to splatter paint around (I'm not allowed to paint on the boat) I do my painting in the studio.

Then of course if I'm really grumpy I kick things I try not to do that when anyone is around and I'm not allowed to do that on the boat at all.:p

Katlicious 02-24-2003 04:46 PM

I masturbate when I'm feeling grumpy, and of course that's after I've taken two shots of liquor, and popped in a great porno. Releases all my stresses, then I sleep on it.

Funbrunette 02-24-2003 07:21 PM


Originally posted by Katlicious
I masturbate when I'm feeling grumpy, and of course that's after I've taken two shots of liquor, and popped in a great porno. Releases all my stresses, then I sleep on it.
Hehehe! I like the masturbation idea, but I got to skip the liquor! Fortunately I got Chris :D I may not need to masturbate after all...:shucks:

Katlicious 02-24-2003 07:25 PM


Originally posted by Funbrunette
Hehehe! I like the masturbation idea, but I got to skip the liquor! Fortunately I got Chris :D I may not need to masturbate after all...:shucks:
I agree if someone is there then get your freak on! Unfortunately I'm a single as a $1 dollar bill.

Pidgin 02-24-2003 09:24 PM

Jerk off
If it does not help - atleast it makes me a little slippt :p

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