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Evil Chris 04-11-2008 01:44 PM

Well, I bought an iPhone
My friend out here in Vancouver convinced me to finally get one and I have to say I like it a lot. That's saying a lot considering I am not crazy about cell phones in general and how accessible we all are now because of them.

However, the iPhone is much more than a phone and I'm learning more about it the more I use it. I kinda wanted to wait until their next major release, but whatever... I jumped on the bandwagon, and I'm pleased with it.

So far I haven't had to upgrade my plan because I can seem to find a wifi connection pretty much everywhere I go, but if in time I feel I need it, I'll get myself a data plan.

Casa Nova 04-11-2008 01:58 PM

I want one badly these days.. I want to be cool like everyone else:(

Quagmire 04-11-2008 02:33 PM

You metrosexual. Next thing you'll be telling us you've started bathing and brushing your teeth! ;)

I am looking at picking one up as well. I find the crackberry screens to be a little small, and my older crackberry is uncomfortable to use as a phone unless you are using the earbud. We can get them around Toronto for $600 now.

Relentless 04-13-2008 10:51 AM

Its a good gadget but it needs a better texting keyboard and a real ICQ client.

Evil Chris 04-13-2008 03:14 PM

I'm enjoying it so far and I still don't think I need a data plan. I've been out to a few places and have found wifi hotspots no problem at all.

It's funny how people stop what they are doing and watch me when I have the phone out and am tapping on the screen. :laughout:

Virgule3 04-13-2008 04:34 PM


Originally Posted by Evil Chris (Post 142635)
I'm enjoying it so far and I still don't think I need a data plan. I've been out to a few places and have found wifi hotspots no problem at all.

It's funny how people stop what they are doing and watch me when I have the phone out and am tapping on the screen. :laughout:

Yes! I know! It's the same thing for me! When I go shopping for example, I turn on MSN because the mall has WiFi... And people look at me when I talk on MSN! lol

I actually get a kick out of it! :D


Funbrunette 04-13-2008 05:23 PM

Evil Chris, the guy that NEVER has his phone on or never answers when it is. :laughout: What's this world coming too!

Evil Chris 04-13-2008 09:46 PM


Originally Posted by Funbrunette (Post 142639)
Evil Chris, the guy that NEVER has his phone on or never answers when it is. :laughout: What's this world coming too!

:) Yes it's true I am notorious for not answering my phone or even forgetting it at home a lot.

Maybe this will make me better at remembering it!

Magnus3x 04-14-2008 09:42 AM

I'll keep my BlackBerry 8800 over the Iphone, better qwerty board, easier to text, Black Berry to Blackberry PIN chat free, better email and a much more solid platform.
Iphone is slick and the kids just love them.. but I dont need a camera or a Mp3 Player as a phone. I would love the WIFI of course, but the next GEN BB's are going to have both touch screens and WIFI.

Crak_JMan 04-14-2008 09:54 AM


Originally Posted by Magnus3x (Post 142656)
I'll keep my BlackBerry 8800 over the Iphone, better qwerty board, easier to text, Black Berry to Blackberry PIN chat free, better email and a much more solid platform.
Iphone is slick and the kids just love them.. but I dont need a camera or a Mp3 Player as a phone. I would love the WIFI of course, but the next GEN BB's are going to have both touch screens and WIFI.

Same here bro, waiting on next gen of BB to hit to change my current BB.

I phone are really cool but to be honest I find it a bit bulky and I to don't need all the gadgets as I use my phone basically to text, phone, chat on yahoo or receive and send emails.

Rania 04-14-2008 10:36 AM

I'm considering getting one and I think Chris may have convinced me. :)

Rochard 04-14-2008 01:07 PM

I like my phone - Verizon Voyager. Just like the Iphone but much cheaper....

Kenny B 04-14-2008 01:33 PM


Originally Posted by Funbrunette (Post 142639)
Evil Chris, the guy that NEVER has his phone on or never answers when it is.

Maybe he's trying to hint something :laughout:

SykkBoy 04-14-2008 02:20 PM

I'm in love with my iphone...have had it over a month now and it's kind of like when i first discovered my penis...I just can't stop playing with it...

I'd love to be able to pictures of said penis via text message, but can't do that quite yet...it's a small gripe though...

I like being able to check the weather, etc. and am constantly writing myself notes on it...

it's cool just sit and turn it and watch the pages turn....haha

and yup, love the attention it gets when i whip it out and start tapping on the screen...

Evil Chris 04-14-2008 04:07 PM


Originally Posted by SykkBoy (Post 142672)
I'm in love with my iphone...have had it over a month now and it's kind of like when i first discovered my penis...I just can't stop playing with it...

I'd love to be able to pictures of said penis via text message, but can't do that quite yet...it's a small gripe though...

I like being able to check the weather, etc. and am constantly writing myself notes on it...

it's cool just sit and turn it and watch the pages turn....haha

and yup, love the attention it gets when i whip it out and start tapping on the screen...

FB will probably tell you the same thing. About how this phone has affect me that is... but the thing is, I may as well discovered mine yesterday. hahaha...

And yeah I love the looks I get when I take it out in public. :)

Doug of Montreal 04-16-2008 12:32 PM

I just got a case for mine. I drop my phones all the time and it helps to have a safety net. I just wish more of the products were available for it up here. My case is actually for a Touch, but it works well, and I had to order a headphone extension for it because the crappy headphone jack they have on it requires you to use their special extended plug. To boot, it baffles me how they expect that headphone that comes with it to be sufficient. I used it for five minutes walking down the road and the buds kept falling out of my ears. Sheesh!

Evil Chris 04-16-2008 03:14 PM

Doug there is a ton of stuff for the iphone on ebay. You should check it out.

TheLegacy 04-16-2008 03:28 PM

Which plan did you use? I cant get one here

also - can you use ICQ, skype etc. on it ?

Sticky Dana 04-16-2008 03:30 PM

I've heard good things about the Iphone but I went for a Blackberry Curve. I really like it and I don't like phones very much :)

Evil Chris 04-16-2008 03:50 PM


Originally Posted by TheLegacy (Post 142761)
Which plan did you use? I cant get one here

also - can you use ICQ, skype etc. on it ?

No ICQ or Skype. As for ICQ, it might become available sometime this year from what I heard. It will likely be an ICQ clone for the iphone though.

Plan? No new plan to speak of. Just the same Fido plan I was on before. I could add an aircard plan and get my own wifi (60 per month for 1 gig transfer) but I seem to be good at locating hotspots, so I'll hold off on that for now.

Magnus3x 04-16-2008 04:22 PM

Iphone and Skype you should check this out this nifty software. http://www.fring.com/

Doug of Montreal 04-16-2008 05:57 PM


Originally Posted by Evil Chris (Post 142759)
Doug there is a ton of stuff for the iphone on ebay. You should check it out.

It's that whole "buying online" thing, though. I just bought that headphone adaptor online.. but for things like covers and cases, I want to touch and feel to see what it's like before. I'm sooo 90's!

StaceyJo 04-17-2008 10:26 AM


Originally Posted by Funbrunette (Post 142639)
Evil Chris, the guy that NEVER has his phone on or never answers when it is. :laughout: What's this world coming too!

I think with this new phone Chris will finally learned his lesson... hahahha
Should better be a reminder! Congrats for having that :)

Slippery 04-17-2008 10:39 AM

I want one too!!

Cyndalie 04-17-2008 11:10 AM

Sweet! Those things looks so awesome. I may ask for one for my birthday this year.

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