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Evil Chris 04-16-2008 03:12 PM

Do you drink a beer at lunch?
Over the years I have known many people who did just that. Went for lunch every day and had a beer (or two) with their lunch.

Personally I have never made a habit of it. I can't say I've never had a beer or alcoholic drink over lunch before, but it's just not something I've done very often.

Way3 04-16-2008 03:38 PM

On a very rare occasion I will, but like you, it's just not something I usually do!

Sticky Dana 04-16-2008 03:38 PM

Only if I'm on vacation in a country I can legally drink :p I probably wouldn't make a habit of it tho.

Casa Nova 04-16-2008 03:46 PM

Nope, I can't stand beer so not only do I not have it at lunch but I dont have it period.

Evil Chris 04-16-2008 03:48 PM


Originally Posted by Sticky Dana (Post 142768)
Only if I'm on vacation in a country I can legally drink :p I probably wouldn't make a habit of it tho.

I guess the legal drinking age where you are is 21?

I think that's too much. It should be 18 everywhere.

Sticky Dana 04-16-2008 04:08 PM


Originally Posted by Evil Chris (Post 142772)
I guess the legal drinking age where you are is 21?

I think that's too much. It should be 18 everywhere.

Yea it is. I agree with that, it should be 18. If your old enough to go to war then your old enough to drink, responsibly.

Virgule3 04-16-2008 11:06 PM


Originally Posted by Casa Nova (Post 142771)
Nope, I can't stand beer so not only do I not have it at lunch but I dont have it period.

Same here... I like wine but don't have it at lunch time. I usually eat lunch in my car, between two appointments anyway.


Evil Chris 04-16-2008 11:22 PM


Originally Posted by Sticky Dana (Post 142778)
Yea it is. I agree with that, it should be 18. If your old enough to go to war then your old enough to drink, responsibly.

That's very true, and when I was 17 and in the military, nobody ever refused me a drink in the mess-hall that I paid dues to belong to even though the legal drinking age in Ontario at that time was 19.

But that's not even the first thing that comes to my mind about age limits on drinking. I thought first about all the alcohol abuse that goes on in colleges by young students who are under 21 in the USA.

If the legal drinking age in the states was 18 (like most of the rest of the world), do you think that alcohol related incidents would increase, or decrease? I think that they would significantly decrease.

Panky 04-17-2008 04:10 AM


Originally Posted by Evil Chris (Post 142791)
If the legal drinking age in the states was 18 (like most of the rest of the world), do you think that alcohol related incidents would increase, or decrease? I think that they would significantly decrease.

Part of the appeal to drinking before the age of 21, is just the simple fact that one isn't supposed to be doing it in the first place. If the States, in general, made it legal for 18 year olds to drink liquor as well as beer, it may reduce some alcohol related incidents.

I can remember drinking way before I turned 21. Then when I turned 21, it was cool for awhile being able to get into clubs and bars, or going to a State store or beer distributor using my real ID. It was like for awhile, one wants to get carded simply for the fact you are actually legal. But, it wasn't long after I turned 21 that the thrill wore off and it became no big deal.

When you are 18, you can vote, buy cigarettes, be tried as an adult, go to war, apply for loans on your own, sign a lease, go to college or trade school, buy insurance, get a mortgage, get married, ... One is considered an adult. So an 18 year old can make these decisions and take responsibility for them, but the law states they aren't permitted to consume alcohol. Really doesn't make much sense.

Vid Vicious 04-17-2008 10:26 AM


Originally Posted by Evil Chris (Post 142758)
Over the years I have known many people who did just that. Went for lunch every day and had a beer (or two) with their lunch.

Personally I have never made a habit of it. I can't say I've never had a beer or alcoholic drink over lunch before, but it's just not something I've done very often.

Ditto here . not a huge fan of beer (with that said I got pretty drunk off beer last night .. LOL) .. I've never made it a habit to drink regularly with my meals. Wine once or twice a week that's about it

2MuchMark 04-17-2008 10:33 AM


I like beer but if I have even 1 at lunch, I'll feel really blah for the rest of the afternoon and end up fighting the urge to sleep. I save it for the wee hours...

Cyndalie 04-17-2008 11:17 AM

On Fridays, special occasion, or when someone else is paying I will.

SykkBoy 04-17-2008 03:07 PM

I don't really drink much at all these days...
but even when i did, i didn't usually have anything for lunch

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