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Tekken 04-22-2008 02:57 PM

AssTeenMouth - new teens+hardcore website from BrothersInCash
Hello everybody.

We haven't added new sites to BrothersInCash partnership program for a long time. However we didn't disappear. As I promise previously we are preparing a new big project, in which we put a lot of money and an amount of time. I hope you will appreciate our efforts.

But now time for another news. In expectation of big start, we have added new exclusive teen hardcore site to BrothersInCash.

We are proud to announce the newest website - AssTeenMouth.com

Free hosted galleries for AssTeenMouth.com added: 20 pics + 20 vids
Few samples:
Pics: sample gallery 01 | Vids: sample gallery 01
Pics: sample gallery 02 | Vids: sample gallery 02
Pics: sample gallery 03 | Vids: sample gallery 03

(!) Note:Consolidated BrothersInCash FHG database include more than 1400 galleries, you can check full list here.

Promo tools updated with free content batch (10 picture sets, 10 videos sets and 10 trailers)
and banners.

BrothersInCash is currently offering the following 10 websites to promote:

New! AssTeenMouth.com

and TeenCoreClub.com Portal - your surfers get access to all our paysites with this one Pass.

Signup now and start making money!

Thank you,
Tekken [Brothers In Cash Team]
sales (beep) brothersincash.com
ICQ: 288 - 98 - 292

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