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-   -   TOP-NEWS for Visit-X-Affiliates: Referral program, flash video banner kit and more! (http://www.xnations.com/showthread.php?t=21420)

VISIT-X 04-24-2008 07:08 AM

TOP-NEWS for Visit-X-Affiliates: Referral program, flash video banner kit and more!
This being said, you should read this posting carefully because this time we’ve got some big news for you…
1) Earn even more money with our Webmaster Referral Program
What’s behind this? Quite simple – from now on you don’t earn money only from the acquisition of the customer, but also get the possibility to recruit affiliates and participate in their revenues with whopping 10%. Apply now at 'Create Campaign'!

2) Restructuring of the Marketing Material
Due to the enormous number of marketing materials for the live-cam-community VISIT-X, we’ve decided to do some restructuring, so you can easily find all the kinds of advertisements you need.
In order to show you how well it works, we’ve directly launched two brand-new kinds of advertisements:

3) NEW: Flash video banner Kit
That’s just about the limit in dynamic advertisements – you can define your dynamical flash video banner kit yourself and therewith make it fit to the layout of your site. The flash-videos link directly to the respective profile page.
Best conversions assured!
You can find it in our new advertisement section at 'Configurable advertising material'

4) NEW: Live flash video banner
These flash video banners are feed dynamically and live with the latest clips from online hosts. The pre-rendered banners are dead easy to embed and expand your site with an unique advertising material.
You can find it in our new advertisement section at 'Classic banners'

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