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Mister X 02-25-2003 12:05 PM

Sigswap users
Anyone else getting a huge amount of credits built up in sigswap? I currently have over 3800 exposure credits. It seems that the system isn't even coming close to giving back what I put in. If it keeps on that way I guess I'll have to remove it from my sig until it gets caught back up or something.

Yo Adrian 02-25-2003 02:23 PM

We have our banner in rotation and so far have had over 19,000 impressions but only 17 clicks :confused:

Mister X 02-25-2003 02:55 PM


Originally posted by Yo Adrian
We have our banner in rotation and so far have had over 19,000 impressions but only 17 clicks :confused:
Might be a good idea to try a different button. I've gotten 38 clicks on 15, 609 impressions. Not bad really.

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