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Crak_JMan 04-29-2008 02:13 PM

For those who understand french, Cool Clip...
This is a clip about the mac book air a guy from Montreal did.

Hope you enjoy

<object width="425" height="355"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/v/TYBhuOP1AT0&hl=en"></param><param name="wmode" value="transparent"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/v/TYBhuOP1AT0&hl=en" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" width="425" height="355"></embed></object>

Evil Chris 04-29-2008 03:35 PM

hahaha... that's great and I don't think any translation is really needed.

I didn't think Macs crashed though?

Crak_JMan 04-29-2008 06:06 PM


Originally Posted by Evil Chris (Post 143268)
hahaha... that's great and I don't think any translation is really needed.

I didn't think Macs crashed though?

They don't crash, he's just a stupid Joe Louis eating pepper that can't work a mac without fucking things up ;-)

Oui Oui Ostie!!!!

Virgule3 04-29-2008 09:55 PM

Estie qu'est bonne! héhéhé!


Evil Chris 04-30-2008 09:06 AM

I would be afraid to own one of those Macs. They are so slim I'd probably drop it and break it. A friend of mine in Vancouver bought one and he loves it (so far), but they again he is a Mac-aholic. He has many Mac products.

Vid Vicious 04-30-2008 01:14 PM


Originally Posted by Evil Chris (Post 143268)
hahaha... that's great and I don't think any translation is really needed.

I didn't think Macs crashed though?

Excuse me .. I've been working on a mac for the last month .. and crash they do ... there are so many "quirks' with mac it's not even funny .. I've been compressing a project in fcp for the last 10 hours! and yet no progress bar or extimate of compression .. I am seriously feeling like that dude in the video ..

Yah but it's a MAC .. Fuck that Give me a pc anyday!

Crak_JMan 04-30-2008 03:01 PM


Originally Posted by Vid Vicious (Post 143307)
Excuse me .. I've been working on a mac for the last month .. and crash they do ... there are so many "quirks' with mac it's not even funny .. I've been compressing a project in fcp for the last 10 hours! and yet no progress bar or extimate of compression .. I am seriously feeling like that dude in the video ..

Yah but it's a MAC .. Fuck that Give me a pc anyday!

I was a futureshop yesterday and almost bought a mac book pro. I'm really thinking about it.

But yeah fuck the Mac Air, My paws don't do well on a petite keyboard like that, they are made for the small asian programmers with tinny hands or chicks;-)

Funbrunette 05-01-2008 10:26 AM


Originally Posted by JMan (Post 143272)
he's just a stupid Joe Louis eating pepper that can't work a mac without fucking things up ;-)

Oui Oui Ostie!!!!

LMAO!!!!! I call them Jean-Luc Patate or Marcel Poutine :laughout:

Great clip!

Stephane76 05-01-2008 05:21 PM

ahhah mort de rire!!

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