X Nations

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-   -   I can get 50,000 visitors to your site! (http://www.xnations.com/showthread.php?t=21480)

fmandl 04-29-2008 02:37 PM

I can get 50,000 visitors to your site!
I can blast your link(s) with details to 50,000 members on
my site. Mail will go directly to there inbox. As you would
know this would not be spam as members have agreed to
receive mail from my site. Blast will complete in 19 hrs.
This equals traffic to your sites. You can also include up to
5 extra links, with your main link placed in the subject.

Or i will sell you 50,000+ emails Please allow up to 24hrs
for me to send word document list. Paypal payments only.

Email me a apolloresources@aol.com

Email Blast $500

Email List $250

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