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Vid Vicious 02-25-2003 01:14 PM

I'm heading to Toronto
you heard right .. I'll be heading up either friday or Saturday to Toronto .. I got a half day shoot on Sunday and then another on Monday for the Comedey Network .. then I got a pre Production day later in the week, Maybe Tuesday or wensday .. I'd love to get together with all the folks there .. Maybe sat night?

Hungry can you organise something?

Funbrunette 02-25-2003 03:46 PM

Wow! You're on fire babe! That's great...! :D Make sure you still have time to relax!

GrimShawn 02-25-2003 04:48 PM

Congrats Vid, have fun in TO! I'm sure you'll have a good time! Rock on

I'd have to say i'm also jealous :drool: I love TO

PaulSweet 02-25-2003 05:06 PM

Get out to Vancouver again sometime soon Vid!

Darin 02-26-2003 01:26 AM

damn canadians

McAttack 02-26-2003 01:30 AM


I don't think Gianni got back to you a few weeks back, about your new product for our Magazine. Sorry man, it's been crazy for us since that night, looking for a new office at the same time, crazy man, crazy. We'll get in touch with you about the product real soon man.

Vid Vicious 02-26-2003 10:23 AM

Sounds good Mcattack .. I' wasn't ready anyhow .. still workin some bugs out .. But never the less you an Gianni can always give me a call or hit me up via email or icq .. Damn we live in the same city. LOL

sweetums 02-26-2003 11:05 AM


Sounds like it's gonna be a good weekend...but, damn hon...we gotta see each other before you take off!!!


Vid Vicious 02-26-2003 12:34 PM

I like the sounds of that Sweetums! .. Ooohh Yahhh :time: :sperm:

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