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Doug of Montreal 05-01-2008 11:28 AM

(VIDEO) How do they generate their traffic?
Adult Insights Ep 20 Video

Today's question was pretty straightforward: how do you generate your traffic? Most of the answers were pretty straightforward, too, but in case you wanted to hear it from the mouths of these masters, we spoke to Avalanche from CherryPimps, Kevsh, Kenny B from IACash, MediaGuy from 2Much, Mario from LoadedCash, Dirty D From HowIGotRich, Elli from Streamray, Rob from LiveBucks, Vegas Ken from TheBestPorn, Sagi from AdultFriendFinder and Vic, without a K, from KickAssPictures. :scram:

Some faves:
Dirty D on SEO: "When you have a certain perversion, you have a lot more people looking for that, like sex in porn theaters"
Rob on peer-to-peer: "We don't care... you can't just download it. You have to go and chat live."
Vic on PR stunts: "We do kind of kooky things the mainstream likes to pick up on."

SponsorsList sends special thanks to Yappo Dollars for their support.

How do you generate your traffic??

Evil Chris 05-01-2008 11:57 AM

I enjoyed that one Doug. No big revelations there, but still good to see industry people chiming in on traffic generation.

Doug of Montreal 05-01-2008 12:17 PM

Agreed... but nice to know you don't have to reinvent the wheel to try and get traffic to your site. Well, that is unless you're KickAssPictures, in which case... let it all hang out! I wonder how much actual adult attention they get from their stunts... as in conversions/DVD purchases.

Magnus3x 05-01-2008 12:34 PM

Nice topic Doug :)

Doug of Montreal 05-01-2008 01:35 PM


Originally Posted by Magnus3x (Post 143347)
Nice topic Doug :)

Cheers, Magnus... how the heck have you been? I need to head home and drive up for a pint!

Magnus3x 05-01-2008 02:22 PM


Originally Posted by Doug of Montreal (Post 143352)
Cheers, Magnus... how the heck have you been? I need to head home and drive up for a pint!

Yeah dude.. been great.. today is my wifes due date.. so kind of waiting for that to happen LOL.
But we'de love to have you up anytime and head out to the hatter for drinks.. or the Deck.. pick your fave redneck hide out and we'll go there.

Doug of Montreal 05-01-2008 03:52 PM


Originally Posted by Magnus3x (Post 143356)
Yeah dude.. been great.. today is my wifes due date.. so kind of waiting for that to happen LOL.

You're kiddin! That's great news! I guess a celebratory pint will certainly be in order. I'll have to have mine with poutine, mind you, but this is what I get for moving! (I soooo love poutine!)

VOD 05-05-2008 01:09 PM

nice video ;- )

VOD will have video tutorials coming soon...

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