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Need To Vent
I usually don't complain about what's happening in my life but this week has been extra-ordinary. Starting 2 weeks ago I started having kidney stones - the really rough kind that doctors say is the male version of giving birth.
The specialist then recommended that he wanted to have a cystoscopy which some of you know is freezing the penis and shoving something like a pencil up there to view whats going on in your bladder. A very rough and painful experience that they assured me I was only going to feel a pinch. Monday I walked into the dentists office to find out I needed a tooth extracted along with some other work. So now for the past 24 hours my mouth has been sore, bleeding and I am looking at a TBone steak in my fridge that I can't BBQ just yet. PS: tea-bags are apparently good for creating blood clots to stop bleeding. I found that out 4am doing a surf to figure out what I have to do to stop the bleeding. Outside of all this - my wife has been amazing at giving me the space to heal and our 17mo has been running in and out of the room giving me hugs just to make me feel better. Sorry - just had to vent - it will all work out better in the next few weeks. Just for those trying to talk to me, I'm not going to be as social as I usually am. |
Ouch, I heard kidney stones really hurt, and so do probs with teeth. I hope you start feeling better, at least your wife is being understanding of your pain because sometimes women just want to be "there", you know. Good luck :)
Hello my friend!
Why vent when you have this? Quote:
Sorry to hear about your stones. Try not to worry though, they will pass. It will be painful as hell but they will pass. And while you passing them, your friends here at XNations and elsewhere will be making jokes about you and laughing (and preying of course that it never happens to us). Cheers! Mark |
Ohhh I thought this thread was "Need a Tent" Ihave a north face for sale.
kidding.. holy shit dude you have every right to VENT man that is a rough week. I hope you get well. |
Hi The Legacy,
Sorry to hear about that. Get well soon. I hope everything goes well and fast for you, so you can get back on track!. :) |
Thanks everyone - really.
There is something to be said about looking at your wife who is carrying your son due June 10th that makes the whole process bearable. |
I have the solution to your problem.
Drugs. (Seriously.) When I'm in pain from a toothche it's no big deal. In fact, I look forward to them - because I can dope myself up on (legal) painkillers. Fun. I have bad teeth and my dentists tend to keep me swimming in pain killers. It got the to the point where I would dope myself up to go to the dentist because I knew it was going to suck. One time I was going to have a lot of work done, so I took some pills before I left the house, jumped onto my bike, and took some when I got there. There was a wait in the office and it took them over an hour to get to me. When they called my name I stood up..... And woke up five minutes later in the dentist chair covered with blood. Seems I stood up, passed out, hit the floor, and seriously cut myself. Good times man. |
A friend of mine brings his Ipod and turns up the Heavy Metal to 10 when he goes to the dentist. Never tried it myself but I like the idea.
m |
LOL - thing was that he had to extract a tooth and it was extremely difficult. He had to break it up an pull it out yanking my head all around. Alot of tenderness - thankfully no bruising. He is good, Im not complaining - just been 2 weeks of pain from difference holes.
I am taking tylenol 3's regularly, and thankfully the kidney stones have eased up on me so all is well. Just some days you want to say enough is enough, bring on the steak !! |
Hope you're feeling better today Robert. I am not familiar with the pain of kidney stones, but I have heard about them... not fun.
As for the dental work, FB almost forcibly took me to the dentist a few years ago and it turned out I needed a root canal. I felt 100% better when it was all over, but the procedure itself wasn't pleasant. |
Damn Robert, I know what you are going through. Just before I met you guys a year ago (wow, exactly) I had a bike crash and it cost me most of my teeth.
It took me almost 5 months dealing with insurance and stuff, 16 K later I got my smile back. Lost it last week, went into hospital for Crohn's tests...and had a fucking kidney stone. These things shall (and did) pass. Fuck just say no,,, They gave me morphine. AM I ever glad I couldn't access that stuff during my drug days. Ask for morphine...drink tons of water and let the christians through the stones. (think I'm still feelin' the morph...) |
Oh man that sounds terrible. Don't apologize! Hope you get well soon, I miss you!
You know - I may just do that next time if they demand it. Apparently I have kidneys shaped like a horseshoe so I am now prone to them. Im never going through that again.. screw them saying freezing is better LOL> My brother has Crohns (I have ulcer colitis).. which just adds to the fun mixture. It makes you see life a bit kinder at times. Today I am feeling a great deal better and although Im not dancing on any hilltops like in the sound of music - I can bbq a steak and enjoy it without much pain |
I'm soooo sorry to hear that! I have yet to deal with stones or major dental issues, but I'm sure my time is coming. Luck like this has to run at at some point, right? :)
Pain is weakness leaving the body!
http://margotmystic.files.wordpress....arzenegger.jpg |
tough week buddy ...
at least the steak will taste extra good cus of the anicipated wait |
Warren, at least you're blessed with a caring wife and youngin' to have around!
If the situation isn't life threatening then be glad for what you've got. Some folks out here have lost a lot more and with the natural disasters and wars and other shit, at least you have a home and loved ones intact and that's more important than all the money in the world. You're through this and rolling on to your next fortune. Good health, good family, good friends, and good fortune, you can't ask for better. |
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