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Evil Chris 05-07-2008 03:59 PM

Content thieves and the people who support them
Just taking a look at http://www.proving-grounds.net/forum/ one of the first things you notice are ads from the likes of AVNads, Etology, Adult Friend Finder (AFF).

This wouldn't normally be something out of the ordinary. However, proving-grounds.net is a haven for some of the worst content theft I have ever seen in my time in this business. Tube sites have been bad, but when every shred of several program's content is readily available, it crosses a line of theft seldom seen and something really should be done about it.

Here's the reply from their host:



We are subject to the Dutch laws. Therefore the DMCA isn't subject to our
As we don't host the files we can't take further actions as such.

Kind regards,

Jottie Tolatzis
www.LeaseWeb.com - Security Response Team
Personally and professionally I find that reply incredulous. Basically it says "tough shit buddy"... we'll host what we want.

I'm sure there is a lot to discuss here and hopefully resolve.

gunner 05-07-2008 04:03 PM

I'm anxiously awaiting my reply from AVN.

Evil Chris 05-07-2008 04:06 PM

I can see how a sponsor can play dumb on this issue which is what I suspect will happen.

What shocks me is how the host can just dismiss the theft issue as not being applicable in their country.

Brad Mitchell 05-07-2008 04:17 PM


Originally Posted by Evil Chris (Post 143516)
I can see how a sponsor can play dumb on this issue which is what I suspect will happen.

What shocks me is how the host can just dismiss the theft issue as not being applicable in their country.

I have actually met with Lease Web before. Believe it or not that is the actual "provider behind the provider" for pretty much all of the adult hosts that have a European setup as they have several datacenters and a fiber ring. I have been evaluating purchasing euro infrastructure for hosting from them but upon discovery of everything they host directly or through resellers we have put that project on hold.

I won't dig on the competition but pretty much everyone that braggs about having european adult hosting is simply reselling LeaseWeb's hardware, network, ip space, and remote hands and simply layering their techs on top of it.

You are correct on their stance. They're absolutely motivated as they host many of the largest tube (and other) sites on the web. I'm at a loss as to how to advise everyone except to say that if we all "voted" with our dollars and were against this type of activity everyone would make sure they weren't spending hosting dollars that went into their pocket.


gunner 05-07-2008 04:23 PM


Originally Posted by Brad Mitchell (Post 143517)
I have actually met with Lease Web before. Believe it or not that is the actual "provider behind the provider" for pretty much all of the adult hosts that have a European setup as they have several datacenters and a fiber ring. I have been evaluating purchasing euro infrastructure for hosting from them but upon discovery of everything they host directly or through resellers we have put that project on hold.

I won't dig on the competition but pretty much everyone that braggs about having european adult hosting is simply reselling LeaseWeb's hardware, network, ip space, and remote hands and simply layering their techs on top of it.

You are correct on their stance. They're absolutely motivated as they host many of the largest tube (and other) sites on the web. I'm at a loss as to how to advise everyone except to say that if we all "voted" with our dollars and were against this type of activity everyone would make sure they weren't spending hosting dollars that went into their pocket.


So who is hosting with leasweb that you know of? Let's out them right now.
What big programs are supporting piracy through their continued support of a hosting company in bed with theives?

B O B 05-07-2008 04:31 PM

i find this thread to be incredulous

TheLegacy 05-07-2008 04:40 PM

We're talking attitudes and arrogance. Same as when you find kids who know that they can commit any crime because the courts won't prosecute minors here in Canada.

Not everyone respects the laws set down by an American based industry - and we can bitch and scream about whats right or wrong - ethics and morals but in the end - it's all about money.

It's sad and upsetting - but anytime you create a system, there will always be those who will take advantage of it.

Brad Mitchell 05-07-2008 04:42 PM


Originally Posted by gunner (Post 143518)
So who is hosting with leasweb that you know of? Let's out them right now.
What big programs are supporting piracy through their continued support of a hosting company in bed with theives?

I've never compiled a list of companies or hosts that are over there and honestly it's "bad on me" as far as all my competition is concerned that I'm even engaging in these conversations.

Just remember that there is a reasonable argument to be made that any host that hosts with LeaseWeb with the purchase of servers, bandwidth, remote hands isn't necessarily guilty. Sure, they spend money with a company that profits from hosting other clients with this type of activity but at the end of the day I would say a few things:

1) This is probably a very common european attitude that LeaseWeb has, I don't know and can't say it would be different anywhere else.
2) Is this really any different than a host spending money with a bandwidth company like Level3 or Cogent who profits from doing business with hosts that host this kind of stuff?
3) Even if a host did business with LeaseWeb they themselves might be choosing to not host these kinds of sites themselves which is still a good stance.

In the hosting space our suppliers are datacenters, telecommunications carriers. We all have to agree that from a host perspective this is quite complicated and that using such criteria to pick our suppliers is probably considered unreasonable by most.


Rochard 05-07-2008 05:01 PM

They are subject to Dutch laws and the DMCA doesn't apply? Very well then.

How about WIPO? The World Intellectual Property Organization? Seems to the Netherlands have signed up.

(( Linkie ))

People are quick to say "US law does't apply to me". But that's not always correct. There are many different treaties in place, and copyright laws are very serious and enforced on the International level.

I've heard about this site before - it sure does have a lot of content on it and needs to be shut down.

Kenny B 05-08-2008 01:23 PM

Content thieves are nothing new and something we'll have to deal with forever, it sucks but it's life.

One thing I always find funny is many webmasters fume about content theft yet they download music, movies and use pirated software to edit their pictures/videos and build their sites.

It sucks when your stuff gets ripped off or used without permission, but something that will happen over and over, unfortunately.

gunner 05-08-2008 02:19 PM


Originally Posted by gunner (Post 143515)
I'm anxiously awaiting my reply from AVN.

AVN did reply, stating they will have that removed from the system immediately.

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