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Rochard 05-13-2008 03:08 PM

XXX IronMan Hit Cybernet Expo!!!
Serious Webmasters only need apply for the 2nd Official XXXIronMan competition set for June 11th and 12th at the CyberNet Expo in San Francisco!


Following its successful debut at the Phoenix Forum, the XXXIronMan competition travels to San Francisco for this year’s CyberNet Expo.

This competition is not to be missed! One name: Beer Pong. Bottom line: whoever has cups left standing, wins!

Each team has 2 players and webmasters must possess the skills known to be the strongest amongst leading Adult Webmasters: Hand-eye Coordination, Wrist Strength and Alcohol Tolerance. Only serious webmasters will prevail and win over $500 in cash in the XXX Iron Man competition by making sure your balls get wet first! All Females teams may designate a ‘drinker’ to be part of their team, but only if they’re ready to remove articles of clothing instead. This can also be used as one of the distraction tactics by a team.

“It was Great! I got to drink for free and play with my balls and not feel any shame! My team didn’t win, but who cares… EVERYONE is a winner at XXX Iron Man!!” Says LAJ, VP of YNOT and Director of Operations for CyberNet Expo.

“There were soo many balls flying at our faces that we felt like we were in a gangbang scene!!” Says Misty Anderson from MistyAnderson.com and illeana from illeanas.com.

Prize breakdowns include:
$750 in Cash Prizes ($500 to winning team, $250 to 2nd place team, unless you get beat by girls, in which case the 1st place, all female team, gets $750)

The amazing sponsors who understand what it takes to be a XXX Iron Man include:

All the beer you can drink courtesy of XXX Iron Man’s Official Beer Sponsor, VideoBox! Other proud sponsors include National Net as the event host, as well as other great programs CherryPimps, LegitCash, and SpunkyCash!!!

Entry forms are now open at http://www.XXXIronMan.com. Sign up now as a limited number of team positions are available!

After CyberNet Expo the XXXIronMan competition will hit the road again and head for XBiz Las Vegas for the next event, XXX Boat Races (Think Beer Fest)! Start training. Lift your beers and cheer to the sponsors who have brought you the event where you can say, ‘I AM THE XXX IRON MAN and I won cash proving it!’

Contact: webmaster@XXXIronMan.com

Evil Chris 05-15-2008 03:47 PM

Unfortunately I missed the events in Phoenix. I heard it was a lot of fun.

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