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Doug of Montreal 05-22-2008 12:12 PM

(VIDEO) What does your average day consist of?
Adult Insights Ep 23 Video

We get a lot of emails from people asking what they need to do to make their sites a success. If there's a magic formula, I haven't heard of it... but if you have, please leave it in this thread! Aside from that, new webmasters can watch as the following people run us through their typical day: HoneLynn from HighDefRiches, Jim from Almighty Content, Dwreck from WebcamCash, Avalanche from CherryPimps, Paul from AdultRental, Vegas Ken from TheBestPorn, She Devil from ThinkPinkOnline, Mario from LoadedCash, Monika from MonikaMaple.com and Elli from Streamray / Cams.com. You will probably hear a lot of what you already know, but maybe, just maybe, there's a little piece of the puzzle that will help you structure your day to create more opportunity for your business.

Some faves:
Dwreck: "I get home at seven, if it's a week day, and do soft marketing... being active on message boards."
Avalanche: "I have a to-do list that is an ongoing list, for months on end."
Paul: "I wake up to my computer turning itself on, a little bit of music and straight into stats. I don't even have to touch the computer. The stats just load and that's the first thing I see every morning."

SponsorsList sends special thanks to Yappo Dollars for their support.

What does your average day look like?

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