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Evil Chris 02-26-2003 02:26 PM

Shovelling snow (I hate it)
as can be plainly seen from our driveway...
It's ok... spring will be here in a few weeks and it will all melt away. :cool:

webgurl 02-26-2003 02:31 PM

*hehehe* I love it here in Vancouver, I don't remember seeing hardcore snow anymore.
When i was living in Edmonton, it was like that every year.
I don't miss that white cold stuff at all .

StuartD 02-26-2003 02:32 PM

Wow.... damn, I had totally forgotten what that is like...

I think it snowed once here in Vancouver, and it melted as it hit the ground.

Other than that, it hasn't hit 0 degrees again... and that was in November or something.

I never see snow like that unless I go up to Whistler... sometimes I forget I'm still in Canada!

Vid Vicious 02-26-2003 02:36 PM

it took me 30 min in -15 to -20 below weather to clean the ice off my windshield yesterday!

webgurl 02-26-2003 02:51 PM

Move to the West Coast ! :D

Evil Chris 02-26-2003 02:56 PM


Originally posted by webgurl
Move to the West Coast ! :D
What? And miss all this fun? ;)

HotLipsHooligan 02-26-2003 02:56 PM

I don't know why, but that picture made me miss back home(Buffalo,NY) a little bit. It reminds me of how walking on packed down snow sounds like walking on styrofoam.

webgurl 02-26-2003 02:58 PM

The coolest thing is i don't have to Plug in mark car here in winter time... i forgot what that is all about especially if u don't have underground or sheltered parking.

Clark 02-26-2003 03:02 PM

My pal in Boston calls me on day three of that storm they had a week or so ago. He tells me he spent an hour and a half digging out his girl's car, shoveled his walkway 3x and had no place left to put the snow he was shovelling. Then he asked what I was up to...

I almost couldn't tell him I'd just been at the beach...but I did:D

GrimShawn 02-26-2003 05:21 PM

Chris although shoveling snow sucks, I'd have to say I miss it. Been 4 years since i've been around it. Going from Chicago to LA was nice, but some snow is always good!

Bobby Vicious 02-26-2003 05:33 PM

Oh boy here we go again. Look at this people. Clock Here Use your imagination, I don't have any pics at this time.:sunshine:

GoodChris 02-26-2003 06:10 PM


Do like me, ... send your wife outside to shovel the driveway... One of your male neighbors will take pity on her and come over with his snow blower and finish it off...

Not that I actually sent Andrea out to shovel, but one day when I wasn't home she had to go somewhere and the old man next door came over and did our whole driveway, and has been doing it all winter for us :)

Evil Chris 02-26-2003 06:41 PM


Originally posted by Bobby Vicious
Oh boy here we go again. Look at this people. Clock Here Use your imagination, I don't have any pics at this time.:sunshine:
Yo Bobby V... the Bahamas is a small island, and we all can't fit on it! hehehe... I guess you will have to represent for us. LOL

Snow isn't all *that* bad... :rolleyes: Well... maybe it is....

PaulSweet 02-26-2003 06:59 PM

Chris - this is a good chance to work off those extra pounds you were complaining about in the other thread..... :p

Magnus3x 02-26-2003 07:41 PM

1 Attachment(s)
Hey EC I took this pic yesterday.. errr umm Monday..errr umm Sunday ?? Ah it does'nt matter it's been this way for the past two weeks.

Evil Chris 02-26-2003 09:21 PM


Originally posted by Magnus3x
Hey EC I took this pic yesterday.. errr umm Monday..errr umm Sunday ?? Ah it does'nt matter it's been this way for the past two weeks.
Magnus... I know all about it. :) Not only do I have to hear about it from you, Stuart, and webgurl... But a good friend of mine lives in North Van and he tells me how they haven't had one snowflake yet this year.... :bonk:

On the other hand, we have a much bigger appreciation for the spring and summer weather here!!!

Mister X 02-26-2003 09:44 PM

Re: Shovelling snow (I hate it)

Originally posted by Evil Chris
as can be plainly seen from our driveway...
It's ok... spring will be here in a few weeks and it will all melt away. :cool:

Ouch! That's not a good thing to show me when I'm getting in the car for the big trip Tuesday morning. :(

Hehe. You sure that's your driveway? Might be the lawn. ;)

dyonisus 02-27-2003 11:42 AM

Toronto is hitting record snow levels and we usually skim by with just the freezing cold and little snow... but this year it seems it falls it melts it does it all over again... I am tired of the cold!!!

Oh to be in sunny California...

Brad Mitchell 02-27-2003 11:46 AM

:mad: snow sucks!

Funbrunette 02-27-2003 11:55 AM


Originally posted by GoodChris

Do like me, ... send your wife outside to shovel the driveway... One of your male neighbors will take pity on her and come over with his snow blower and finish it off...

Chris knows he's too young to die! ;)

GrimShawn 02-27-2003 02:00 PM

DAMN rain, it needs to stop raining here! It'd be cool, but people have no idea how to drive here when the weather is semi bad!

Miss Novette 02-27-2003 05:25 PM

Shoveling Snow? I live in Florida, no snow, just snowbirds. Can't shovel them fast enough!


turbo 02-28-2003 09:20 AM

I love Los Angeles. I haven't seen snow in person for 13 years... when I lived in Seattle. Yes. it snowed there all three winters that I lived there. I used to hate it when people would say..."It never snows in Seattle.." lol. They were wrong.

McAttack 02-28-2003 01:34 PM

Snow, unless you ski, it just sucks. It's useless! I shovelled like an idiot to get my car out of the snow bank last week, and what happens before I can get into my car to pull out? The god damn snowplow passes again and puts MORE snow in front of my car, that fucking bastard!

Next time, I'm hiding god damn plumbing pipes in the snowbanks so that when the snow blower passes by, BOOM. That'll teach em!


GrimShawn 02-28-2003 01:55 PM

What about snowball fights?

Ronaldo 02-28-2003 02:19 PM

Haha, I love when it snows because my wife loves to shovel snow.

Of course the first couple of times, the neighbors came up and offered to help. There was me with the kids in the window waving at her.

I told her that if she wanted to shovel, fine. But, as soon as the neighbors ask, she HAS to explain that she LIKES to shovel snow.

That's my side of the story and I'm sticking to it.


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