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BobbyR 09-17-2002 10:31 AM

Does the beer gut need to go?
My fiance tells me that my beer gut is cute and sexy...LOL. I've been working out lately so she doesn't have as much to grab on to.

Is this typical of women not to care about a gut? It always seems that women cut men a little more slack for our bodies than when the shoe is on the other foot.


Evil Chris 09-17-2002 10:40 AM

I'm thinkin you're right, but that isn't to say that a six pack stomach won't turn our ladie's heads for a look. :D

LadySharlot 09-17-2002 11:19 AM

Hhahahah--most men I know could HOLD a six-pack ON their stomachs! :lol:

Tee hee hee
Lady Sharlot :-)

Evil Chris 09-17-2002 11:56 AM

Bob, FunB tells me the exact same thing. That my belly is sexy... LOL
Do you think it's a conspiracy among women? :confused:

BobbyR 09-17-2002 12:21 PM

Keep him fat and happy... have some more KFC honey :-)

Big J 09-17-2002 01:32 PM

Once they have you..........they WANT you to get fat, it makes them look better!:)

twinkley 09-17-2002 01:33 PM

Guys Belly's are sexy!!

It is a total double standard though - and the women set it. I have a bit of a pouchy belly i am trying to get rid of cause i think its uuuuuugly, but i love a guy with some belly..... skinny guys are just bony and thats not any fun to snuggle up with!


Ounique 09-17-2002 02:25 PM


but i love a guy with some belly..... skinny guys are just bony and thats not any fun to snuggle up with!

I love you! Now if you can just convince gay men of this fact then I'd finally get some booty!!! I've had my buddah belly all my life. I'd like to get rid of it, but ya know, I think it likes me.

twinkley 09-17-2002 02:47 PM

Awww I love you too!!

If I can find a honey who loves my with my round little belly then I'm sure you can too!

You need to come visit so I can take you to heaven! hehehehe
Heaven is this AWESOME gay after-hours club here and it is eye-candy heaven!! I can get you hooked up with a hottie here - i cant promise anything more than a really good night, but hey, sometimes all ya need is a really good night hehehehehe

Are we going trolling for guys in Vegas?? :D


luke 09-17-2002 02:52 PM

6 pack??? Hell, I've got a full KEG!!! :D

Ounique 09-17-2002 02:59 PM


I don't know how often I'm gonna get to FLA but you can bet if I do, you're the first person I'll look up. Well, you and Mickey Mouse. Heh heh. And yes, I will totally go trolling for guys with in Vegas!!! Woo hoo!!!

Evil Chris 09-17-2002 04:13 PM

I just suck my gut in when I have to.......................UH!... exhale... whooosssh....

You know, like when you're walking down the beach .. :cool:

twinkley 09-17-2002 04:26 PM

Wahahahahah suck it in!!! The only problem is you cant hold your breathe forever so why try??


Hey, you like mickey?? Even better - I can get ya into all the disney parks FREE!!

Someone told me there is an awesome male strip club in vegas that is cheap with GOOD looking guys - gonna have to look into that!!


Ounique 09-17-2002 04:35 PM

Hmmm, Twinkley,

Just what is your Disney/porn connection here? I'm really curious now. I'm all about the mouse! I have an annual pass for Disneyland and go at least once a month.

And as far as the strip club in Vegas goes, all I can say is that you said my two favorite words, Cheap and Men. Now throw beer in there and I'm set for the weekend. Cheap, Men and Beer in ANY combination works for me. LOL!!! :dancer:

Darin 09-17-2002 07:02 PM


This thread is crazy, at least I know where twinkly and ounique stand in their sexuality.

and it better not be behind me!!!! lol


Darin 09-17-2002 07:03 PM

oh, and Onique..

My mamma always told me never to trust a guy with two first names, especially if they live in hollywood california..



Ounique 09-17-2002 07:36 PM


My mamma always told me never to trust a guy with two first names, especially if they live in hollywood california..
Acutally Darin, my middle name is Anthony. I have 3 first names so I guess I'm safe. heh heh.

at least I know where twinkly and ounique stand in their sexuality.
Well, I can't vouch for Twinkley but I know where I stand. :rainbow:
And Darin, nice... um.... avatar. :blush:

Darin 09-17-2002 07:56 PM


Hey man, that avatar is only for the ladies bro!!

dayum three first names.. lol

Magick 09-17-2002 09:16 PM

mmmm just thinkin about that little tummy makes my toes curl :flower:

Guys, when we say that we don't mind your bellys, and in fact it turns us on...believe us! Besides, it feels great when you're spooning hehe

I'm not allowing Bobby to lose any more belly...no way, no how!


Evil Chris 09-18-2002 09:20 AM

Well Magick, you better hide the Bowflex then! LOL

twinkley 09-18-2002 09:40 AM


What can I say, I'm a girl that just loooooves guys!! I just can't help myself! They come in so many different shapes and sizes....

It's like being a kid in a toy store - you know your mom wont let you have ALL the toys, but it won't stop you from playing with them a little while your there!! And you still get to take 1 home to play with!!

Oh yeah, I like that avatar too!!


I *knew* you would get it - belly's are great! Especially for cuddling!


Funbrunette 09-18-2002 10:58 AM


Originally posted by Magick
mmmm just thinkin about that little tummy makes my toes curl :flower:

Guys, when we say that we don't mind your bellys, and in fact it turns us on...believe us! Besides, it feels great when you're spooning hehe

I'm not allowing Bobby to lose any more belly...no way, no how!


Hun, you took the words right out of my mouth...lol I tell Chris almost everyday that his belly is so cute! Besides wouldn't it be great if his belly could be just as big as mine during those 9 months...:bonk:

Guys, IT IS SEXY!!!!!

Darin 09-18-2002 11:36 AM

my bad, thought twinkley was a guy :bonk:

twinkley 09-18-2002 12:04 PM


<twinkley checks self for equipment>

Whew, no penis! Nope, I'm 100% woman! I guess I better go get me an avatar so everyone who doesnt know me can see what I look like...

Hmmmm..... that means finding a picture. Damn, I hate pictures....


Ounique 09-18-2002 12:08 PM


Hey man, that avatar is only for the ladies bro!!

It doesn't matter if you're a lady, guy, gay, straight or a monkey! There's no way you CAN'T look at that thing!!! :rofl:

...and btw, Twinkley is ALL woman!!! :D

twinkley 09-18-2002 01:26 PM

Okay, so here it goes,

I have a new avatar - it's me! It's not very clear to see I guess cause it can only be 80x80 and since im not a photoshop person I dont know how to make it resize to 80x80 without it stretching all to hell so its 80x60 or some such.

Of course, its not my boobz, cause they dont come close to comparing with FunB's, and I dont get naked for camera's so....

you get a picture of my best asset - my mouth! wahahahahaha

whaddya think?


Ounique 09-18-2002 01:30 PM

Hey Twinkley,

Awesome pic. Whatever you're eating, it looks yummy!

barryf 09-18-2002 03:20 PM

I find a tummy on a girl to be SOOOOO SEXY!
Maybe it's because I'm over-30 and married and my hormones have shifted to women of child-bearing means... who knows? Who cares?

All I gotta say is: women, don't lose that tummy!!!!

twinkley 09-18-2002 03:26 PM


Acually, at that point, I hadn't eaten anything. I stuck my tongue ring though the fork that Viv was holding and JP snapped the picture - the pic is a little small, so you cant really tell, but at the time we were all laughing that it was "art" because all the colors were so bold and you can even see my tongue ring glittering silver off the fork!

The thing on the fork was a cranberry and DAMN it was GROSS!! hahahaha it was sooooo sour!!


barryf 09-18-2002 04:05 PM


Originally posted by Darin
my bad, thought twinkley was a guy :bonk:
Damn Darin you like to live dangerously! :D

Twinkley is obviously a HOT HOT BABE!


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