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Rochard 06-18-2008 08:06 PM

Cybernet Expo XXX IronMan Winners!
We demanded that only serious, hard drinking webmasters and industry folk try for the Cybernet Expo XXX IronMan Beer Pong Challenge and in the end it turns out that everyone was beat out... By a bunch of girls!

XXX IronMan is proud to declare the unstoppable Ivy Ames and Sexy Karen from Solo Slut Cash as the winners!

Click here from the OFFICIAL 2008 Cybernet Expo XXX IronMan Pictures!


Special thanks to everyone who showed up to fondle some balls and give a try at taking home the XXX IronMan Trophies!





XXXIronMan.com was founded and brought to you by CherryPimps and LegitCash. Beer pong wouldn't be any fun without the beer, so special thanks to Video Box Cash for being our beer sponsor! We'd also like to thank NATIONAL NET for being our offical hosting company, as well as Spunky Cash for being sponsor the second time around!!!

The XXXIronMan competition will hit the road and head for Xbiz in Vegas next month, followed up by Internext in Florida and then The Atlanta Forum in September!!!

Signups for Xbiz Vegas are open at XXX IronMan!

If you have any questions or are interested in sponsoring.... webmaster (at) xxxironman.com!!! We have one sponsorship open for Xbiz, and a few for Atlanta so contact us today!

Evil Chris 06-18-2008 09:59 PM

:) Awesome stuff Roch. I have to enter next time!

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