X Nations

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Jessica Jaimes 06-24-2008 12:29 PM

Just another newbie
Of course we all were at one time or another so I ask you to have patience with me as I stumble my way around in here. My name is Jessica Jaimes and I wanted to introduce myself and see if I can meet any people here that I can talk to and compare notes with, discuss problems. I'll be checking back in so I hope to hear from you guys and I will be seeing you later.

Way3 06-24-2008 09:35 PM

Jessica...Welcome to X Nations! Hope to see you around here! :)

Panky 06-25-2008 12:30 PM

Welcum to XNations! http://www.icando4u.com/smile/wave2.gif

AdultAsh 06-26-2008 07:23 AM

Welcome Jessica !

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