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yourmobilegirl 07-03-2008 02:38 PM

New Affiliate Program for Mobile Phone adult service
Hi there Affiliates,

I would very much like to invite you to become an affiliate of our adult mobile phone service. Ours is a simple site in content, but very useful for mobile phone users who are looking for a quick fix without the hassle of download and streaming costs from their phone plan providers. We focus on pictures, hardcore and softcore. Subscribers will receive a picture a day on their mobile phone AND will have unlimited access to over a thousand pictures on our site as well (accessible through their mobile phone as well as on a computer). Mobile porn is indeed the future!

Here is the link to our site:

Here is the direct link to our affiliate program (50/50 recurring revenue share + 10% of all referred webmasters):

We accept everyone!

Thank you very much for your time. We hope that you will give us a chance!

Alex Kristensen

Your Mobile Girl
"Everywhere you go, she goes ...)

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