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Evil Chris 02-28-2003 11:20 AM

Babenet backend programs
Like piecash and orgasmcash... are they gone down the tubes?
What's the deal because there is a lot of talk that Babenet was double and triple billing and that they lost their merchant accounts etc..
Is there any truth to this, and are these programs still in operation?

BobbyR 02-28-2003 11:31 AM

We are still sending TONS of joins through orgasmcash...the conversions off our exit consoles and in mailers are unheard of, they are absolutely the best converting program avaiable right now. I don't think Babenet is dead or anything...as with any program that pushes thousands of daily transactions, processor issues come and go...but whatever problems they may or may not have orgasm doesn't seem to be affected in any way, in fact I've noticed conversions improving over the last couple weeks.

dyonisus 02-28-2003 07:16 PM

Hasnt Python already stepped up to the podium and provided a solution an alternative to Babenet...

I also suspect that these programs probably have had alternate systems in place in case. I mean this Babenet thing has been pushed pretty hard for a long time.

Shann 02-28-2003 08:28 PM

Man you are slow boy! Why, how, who, when? Dunnno I work for PIECASH not babenet, we're fine. We've had to temp lower payouts and delay cheques but shit happens. We're alreadt set up yes with python as a back end.

SO we're stil in operation and click my button and join fuckers! LOL

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