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Evil Chris 07-16-2008 09:59 AM

Big Brother 10
Big Brother is back on for the summer season. Anyone watching?
It usually gets off to a slow and boring start but so far it's great! CBS promises a back to basics season with a lot less twists which is nice.

I know a lot of people hate BB but I have been watching since season 1 and I just think it's funny stuff.

Way3 07-16-2008 10:13 AM

Haven't gotten into that one yet! I've heard that it was good! Maybe I'll have to give it try!

Evil Chris 07-16-2008 10:32 AM

First elimination is tonight. There's been a lot of drama already in the game.

Casa Nova 07-16-2008 10:48 AM

I seen parts of the last episode it was pretty interesting. I might just get into this seasons.

Magnus3x 07-16-2008 12:50 PM

yeah I watched Sunday and last night. I like that it's not all 20 something with shoe size IQ's. They seem to have a variety of ages and a lot of bible thumpers in this one.. makes for good drama when the Gay and liberal people start showing colors.

I wonder what the big twist is this time around will be?? Wonder if the old couple is married or if one of thier kids is in the house as well.

Rochard 07-16-2008 01:13 PM

You guys watch a lot of TV......

dyonisus 07-16-2008 01:25 PM

I watched the first 2 episodes on line last night while I worked...

Brian, so should be gone, who jumps in and starts manipulating that much so soon. Jessie=shoe size IQ from what I see thus far... Not much of a focus on the ladies yet, except that they were smart enough to figure out the alliance and Brian!

Yeah I am checking it...

Evil Chris 07-16-2008 01:25 PM


Originally Posted by Magnus3x (Post 145915)
yeah I watched Sunday and last night. I like that it's not all 20 something with shoe size IQ's. They seem to have a variety of ages and a lot of bible thumpers in this one.. makes for good drama when the Gay and liberal people start showing colors.

I wonder what the big twist is this time around will be?? Wonder if the old couple is married or if one of thier kids is in the house as well.

Well CBS (producer Alison Grodner) said they were going to keep it fairly straightforward this time around. A bit of a back to basics kind of thing, but they won't be able to resist throwing a wrench into the system eventually.

But so far I'm enjoying it.

Abernathy SixtySix 07-16-2008 03:06 PM

I can't stand that crap!!!

Magnus3x 07-16-2008 03:24 PM


Originally Posted by Rochard (Post 145916)
You guys watch a lot of TV......

Yes we do.. it's something to do while we are hanging our seal pelts and skinning our moose after the hunt. ;)

Cyndalie 07-16-2008 03:38 PM

I have never watched this show. I am more of a survivor fiend.

Evil Chris 07-16-2008 03:53 PM

Here's a little clip from last night that I would entitle: I can't stand that Bitch! ;)

<object width="425" height="344"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/v/7sxFQx532V0&hl=en&fs=1&rel=0"></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/v/7sxFQx532V0&hl=en&fs=1&rel=0" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowfullscreen="true" width="425" height="344"></embed></object>

Virgule3 07-16-2008 06:16 PM

I love that show, I didn't know had started already... Thanks for mentioning it!


dyonisus 07-16-2008 06:18 PM

Did I miss that last night, fall asleep on the job?

Casa Nova 07-17-2008 10:05 AM

How was it last night, I missed it?

emac 07-17-2008 06:08 PM

never watch it.

Evil Chris 07-18-2008 07:56 AM

Brian got voted out and it wasn't a surprise. He had a bit of a Dr. Will complex going on. The young body-builder guy Jessie is now HoH. I have to catch up on the drama/fights since I was away all day yesterday.

dyonisus 07-21-2008 08:27 PM

I missed lasts nights, I will catch up online tonight.. I dont like the Jesse dude!

Virgule3 07-22-2008 09:42 PM

I'm watching iot right now... Not bad!


TheEnforcer 07-25-2008 12:56 PM

I'm not really finding anyone I really want to like or root for with this bunch yet.

Evil Chris 07-25-2008 02:37 PM


Originally Posted by TheEnforcer (Post 146267)
I'm not really finding anyone I really want to like or root for with this bunch yet.

I feel the same. More there are people I'm not liking very much. Keesha is all right but we'll see what she does with her power this week.

TheEnforcer 08-01-2008 01:23 PM

Holy crap these people are morons. How those idiots let Jessie stay in is beyond me. Man it's scary how stupid these people are.

Evil Chris 08-01-2008 03:41 PM


Originally Posted by TheEnforcer (Post 146475)
Holy crap these people are morons. How those idiots let Jessie stay in is beyond me. Man it's scary how stupid these people are.

Yeah that stumped us too. FB and I were like "what the hell is wrong with these people??"

It was a perfect opportunity to get rid of that pinhead!

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