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Magnus3x 07-22-2008 03:55 PM

Gas Woes.........Really?
I notice all the media hype, every night a story about Gas this and that. Oh gas theft has gone up, they make it sound like a newly found crime wave or something. People siphoning gas right form your tanks while you are at work or sleeping. People are vacationing in their back yards, road trips are down, people aren't driving, SUV's aren't selling etc etc always those "people".

Obviously this is effecting the bottom line for many, but vacationing in their back yards? Friday at 5PM the highways out of Toronto up to cottage country is jammed packed for miles in gridlock of those getting out of the city for the weekend and it's like that week after week till labor day weekend. I know Montreal is the same heading up to the Laurentians on Friday.
I still see tons of SUV's on the road.. I don't see alot of price drops of second hand SUV's for sale. People generally have to drive to Golf courses..their business is'nt down.

Maybe it's just what I'm seeing but could this be why gas prices will continue to climb.. until people actually do park the car and vacation in their back yards?

Rochard 07-22-2008 11:18 PM

I live in the middle of no place and we don't have much traffic. It's nice.

On top of that, I work from home and rarely leave the house. Everything we need is within walking distance. In fact, I needed something at target so I grabbed the dog and we went for a little walk.

It's a nice way to live really.

Jimmidean 07-23-2008 06:53 AM

As I have a fuel cell in the trunk it may be hard to siphon at least.
However I do believe we will se a change as GM is trying for once to turn on a dime and look to alternate fuels and better gas milage the others will have to follow.

Evil Chris 07-23-2008 01:54 PM

Magnus... who says that in Canada, we aren't manipulated by the media? It's not just an American thing. ;)

I'm seriously considering a ZENN (Zero Emission, No Noise)

Evil E 07-23-2008 03:03 PM

Hey guys if you go for an Hybrid, please do not choose a GM.

Did you see the movie who killed the electric car? You should take a look at it.

Evil E 07-23-2008 03:05 PM

As for myself I usually am not a big gas guzzler besides for the occasional road trip... now I'll be doing a 40hrs ride, so it will cost me a lot!

Magnus3x 07-23-2008 03:58 PM


Originally Posted by Jimmidean (Post 146150)
As I have a fuel cell in the trunk it may be hard to siphon at least.
However I do believe we will se a change as GM is trying for once to turn on a dime and look to alternate fuels and better gas milage the others will have to follow.

Bro if I had your car I'd be going through tanks and tanks LOL I love classic muscle cars.

Granted I live in a small town north of Toronto,the commute to the office is minutes not an hour, so I'm getting off light. This town is a commuter town, Toronto is only 55 minutes away. They must be feeling it.
Our second car will be a hybrid or clean Diesel for the mileage.

Zenn is nice if you live in the city center or telecommute.

Vid Vicious 07-23-2008 06:20 PM

I'm glad I switch to a Japense car at the start of the summer... you can really see the difference between american cars and japs

SykkBoy 07-23-2008 06:34 PM

The big effect I see are things like people buying less and less quick convenience items like coffee and snacks...this is having an effect on smaller convenience stores, mom n pop shops, etc.

Cyndalie 07-24-2008 08:59 AM

Hmm.. for 40 miles I couldn't get to work and back :(

I have a honda civic so my gas mileage can only get better with a hybrid, which I think my next car will be - I just want more models to choose from. I think if the CRV goes hybrid then I will buy.

Magnus3x 07-24-2008 10:54 AM

2009-2012 is going to be interesting for cars and what powers them.
Did you see the new rotery engine Mazda? It's powered by Bio Fuel. check it out.. the sound this makes is amazing!!

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Virgule3 07-24-2008 02:43 PM

I'm lucky, I work 1.3 kms from my house and in a week, I'm moving even closer... But yeah, gas is expensive... I'm glad I can save by either walking to work or just because I'm close...


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