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RD_Shane 07-31-2008 10:40 PM

It's been a while now...
I stopped posting pretty much every where to devote my time to my new endeavor. Hell I'm not even sure any one will remember me these days...
Any who
My partner and I (Oceania) finally have our project all together and are ready to really promote it hard. I'm looking forward to getting time to post again and catch up on all the stuff I've missed out on during my long hiatus from the board.
So what's takes so damn long to put together? Internet radio baby! We have launched a crossover internet radio station with both adult and mainstream content. Our goal is to help bring porn and mainstream together in a whole new way. I'm really excited about the project and we had killer comments during Cybernet Expo. And I am looking forward to Internext quite a bit.
Right now I'm looking forward to reconnecting with people I know and getting to know new people as well.

I hope every one is doing well with their projects!


Evil Chris 07-31-2008 10:42 PM

Hey Shane great to see you back! I have always enjoyed internet radio. I remember when webmaster radio stations were popular. There are barely any of them left now. You're doing one?

RD_Shane 07-31-2008 10:50 PM

Hey Chris!
Man, it's great to be back. I missed every one quite a bit but duty called.

We may expand at some point with webmaster shows. We talked a bit about doing a Webmaster Wed. or some thing. Honestly the biggest issue with that is finding qualified webmasters who want to host a show to help newbies as well as experienced webmasters work better, smarter and faster.
So for now at least this is totally surfer based. Webmasters still have a great opportunity though to get their faces (well voices) in front of surfers. Ok so that was a shameless plug for our advertising options... I should be flogged with a million wet noodles. ;)

So how have you been?

Funbrunette 08-01-2008 08:01 AM

Well hello Shane it's so nice to have you back! :) Glad to hear things are going well. Get Oceania over here too!

Casa Nova 08-01-2008 10:14 AM

Welcome back to the board & Nice to meet you.

RD_Shane 08-01-2008 02:37 PM

Hey Funbrunette!
It's so nice to be back :) I actually have some thing I wanted to chat with you about... I may hit you up via ICQ if that's cool.
Oceania is around here some place. lol

Hello Casa Nova thanks and nice to meet you as well.

B O B 08-01-2008 04:57 PM

Welcome back Shane!

good luck to you and Oceania!!

RD_Shane 08-01-2008 06:02 PM

Thanks for the welcome and the best wishes. :)

oceania 08-02-2008 11:05 AM

Hey Funbrunette - I'm here! and I promise to be here on a regular basis!

BigBrownKablooey 08-02-2008 11:11 AM

Hello! I'm a newbie here (first post,actually) and I'm surprised how everyone is supportive of one another here. Reminds me of JBM but a little less moronic.
I used to listen to YNOTBob's radio show years ago. I wonder why they stopped. BTW, I'm Jessie and I work for SexyAdv.com. Hope you don't mind me coming here. Cheers!

Evil Chris 08-02-2008 12:01 PM


Originally Posted by BigBrownKablooey (Post 146501)
Hello! I'm a newbie here (first post,actually) and I'm surprised how everyone is supportive of one another here. Reminds me of JBM but a little less moronic.
I used to listen to YNOTBob's radio show years ago. I wonder why they stopped. BTW, I'm Jessie and I work for SexyAdv.com. Hope you don't mind me coming here. Cheers!

Hey Jessie... welcome. :)

It's nice to see new and "oldnew" nicks coming around. hehe

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