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Cyndalie 08-05-2008 11:16 AM

No Idling Law
Is there a No Idling law where you live?
This means you can't park your car and run in to a store and leave your car running (even with a passenger inside). You can get a non moving violation.

It's a good measure for environment, and now for saving gas, but I had never heard of it living in FL until I moved here.


Idling cars and trucks in this country spew about 196,000 metric tons of carbon dioxide pollution into the air each year, according to Environmental Protection Agency estimates.

Evil Chris 08-05-2008 11:31 AM

There's no law that I know of around here, or anywhere else I've lived in Canada. Then again, it's not really something I have noticed people doing, even in the winter.

What bugs me is when the weather is inclement (rain, snow) and someone will park right in front of the doors to the grocery store while their partner goes in to get something. I guess that could be idling.

Magnus3x 08-05-2008 03:42 PM

We have a 20 second bylaw where we live, it cannot be enforced though, no bylaw offers?? makes no sense but makes for good headlines.

They are talking about banning drive through.

Vid Vicious 08-05-2008 04:17 PM

Actually there is .. in canada you can get ticketed or even impounded if you leave your car running un attended ... happened to a friend of mine

baddog 08-08-2008 05:04 PM

I saw something on the news a couple weeks ago where some idiot was suggesting we should shut down our engines at every red light.

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