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Visualad 03-02-2003 07:55 AM

War on Terror
So, now some time has passed by.. The opposition against a war is getting stronger by the day, in so many countries.

"Human Shields" are getting together in iraq to "protect" it with themselves.

Cnn and most news sources are pimpin the story like its the worlds best selling whore.

With the new info that has come out, the new things that have happened, Iraq been retreating and complying to demands, things that have been said etc, in the last month(s),

have YOUR opinion changed on this? Do you still feel the same, and if so..

and what about N.korea, and whats going on there?

Do you really feel a war is the right way to go?

HJave you taken both "sides" arguments, facts etc, and really searched for the truth, or you acting by your "anger", "gut feeling", or whatever?

I for one feel that this war isnt just about terror, its so much more, I wont go into details now.. War can be justified sometimes, but not this war. Peace in the world is essential for the survival of earth, and that goal has to be achieved with as peaceful means as often as possible.. Not by war.

How do you feel about this? Still think war is right way to go? Still think war is the wrong solution? Speak up.. Make YOUR voice heard.

some links for YOU to check out (very interesting info)


Lets hear it ppl, tell it like you think it is..

wsjb78 03-02-2003 09:04 AM

I just remember from my latin lessons the expression: "Bellum iustum" ==> Justified War

The Romans made treaties with all other "urb-states" and then the manoeuvred the others into war among them, so that "Rome" needed to intervene and then claim new territorial rights over the defeated ones...

In a way it just seems the same with the US and Iraq now....

Panky 03-02-2003 03:03 PM

I always thought and still think we should not go to war. War does not solve problems. It only creates them and destroys human life in the process.

Power, greed, and the desire to rule all will end us all.

<img src="http://smilies.sofrayt.com/%5E/r/biggrininvert.gif" width="15" height="15">

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