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Evil E 08-12-2008 01:18 PM

Qwebec Expo rolecall
I'll be the one having the first official drink of the year(on Thursday in the suite) like last year.

See you there!

Evil Chris 08-12-2008 01:39 PM

I will definitely see you there knew! ;)

2MuchMark 08-12-2008 04:53 PM

Eveil E: We're sponsoring the suite parties at Qwbec this year so please be my guest!

We also plan to have one or two girls from LiveCamNetwork.com be our bartender and we may hopefully get her to do it nude.

I think that this girl, Cat, should be our nude / topless bartender at Qwebec Expo. What do you think?



JoeD 08-13-2008 03:54 PM

I'm finally going to make this one - cannot wait!

Evil Chris 08-13-2008 04:35 PM


Originally Posted by WebBilling.com (Post 146819)
I'm finally going to make this one - cannot wait!

Well it will be nice to see you in our city Joe! :xthumbs:

Evil E 08-13-2008 04:56 PM

Hi Mark, I think that Cat is a good choice. As for the nude/topless question I personally think that topless with a sexy bottom should be the way to go.

Worst come to worst, a very sexy top(probably see through) could be used.

I think the important thing to note is that her being nude should not interfere with her bar tending duties.

Best of luck to find out the best combination!

xtnbruno 08-13-2008 11:17 PM

Ill definitly be there ;)

globofun 08-14-2008 09:05 AM

I will be there! :)

If you see an old man with a gas mask.....that's me!

Make sure to say hi! :skull:

TheLegacy 08-14-2008 10:19 AM

Definitely I'll be there - cant wait to see everyone and the hot models from 2much (PS Mark I'll whisper where my room is so you can send one up)

Evil E 08-14-2008 11:52 AM

Hey Legacy, will SexRevenue open it's doors for the Qwebec?

Please bump this thread, I am trying to pump myself up!

TheLegacy 08-14-2008 12:12 PM


Originally Posted by Evil E (Post 146864)
Hey Legacy, will SexRevenue open it's doors for the Qwebec?

Please bump this thread, I am trying to pump myself up!

fair enough - I am going to be there along with Michael - but now our biggest launch will happen Vegas

Crak_JMan 08-14-2008 12:13 PM

I'm gonna be there for a big part of the show.

Vid Vicious 08-14-2008 01:51 PM

i'll be hangin around .. ready to talk content business

LAJ 08-15-2008 02:57 PM

Will miss you guys... I'll be in Vegas for the exotic dancer expo with Eric Bernstein!

Evil E 08-15-2008 07:02 PM

I have to bump this since it's in less than a week!

Also need to know what happens with the LCN barmaids!

2MuchMark 08-17-2008 12:58 AM

Actually, bad news - Cat won't be in town for the show :( Greg and I will fill in as topless bartenders instead. (We apologize in advance for any manly chest hairs which may end up in your drinks)

xtnbruno 08-17-2008 02:12 AM


Originally Posted by 2MuchMark (Post 147008)
Actually, bad news - Cat won't be in town for the show :( Greg and I will fill in as topless bartenders instead. (We apologize in advance for any manly chest hairs which may end up in your drinks)

Truly sad Mark :(

Evil E 08-17-2008 12:49 PM

It's ok, as long as Greg doesn't kiss me I'm fine!

MediaGuy 08-18-2008 11:38 PM

I won't kiss across the bar, it would put unpleasant looking marks across my smooth, round white belly (looks bad in pics!)

I will however put electrical tape on my nipples and wear a skimpy LiveCamNetwork.com camisole to make those beer-bottle opening antics more racy!


quotealex 08-20-2008 10:39 PM

Anyone know why was the BAA been drop? I was looking foward going to this award ceremony.

Kenny B 08-21-2008 08:15 AM

Should be a fun show!

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