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Evil Chris 08-13-2008 02:15 PM

Americans... are you going to vote in November?
Is it important for you to vote? Or do you even care?
Maybe the election of 2000 has shown that anything can and does happen?


Easton 08-13-2008 02:22 PM

i'm not allowed to vote, but the IRS gladly takes hundreds of thousands of my tax dollars each year :fryingpan:

SykkBoy 08-13-2008 02:31 PM

I'll be pulling the lever for Obama this year

Even though I know he can't really fix anything any time soon, if having him in the office is a breath of fresh air and makes people feel a little more confident and feel better...then everyone will lighten the fuck up....until it starts slumping again....then we'll go through the same fucking thing in another 4 years...

webgurl 08-13-2008 02:32 PM

I am not american but if i had the chance to vote
would be Obama . gosh glad i am Canadian

Abernathy SixtySix 08-13-2008 02:33 PM

As moving to South Florida I too am not permitted to vote, but I was for Obama at one point and to be honest i just got sick of him too...

The person I am dating says it would be in my best interest to Vote Republican, but since I can't vote it does not matter...

I can no longer be worried about who is in the White House...all I know is that the American economy needs to get back to where it was when Clinton was in office for it is not doing anyone in the world any good!!! :geez:

SykkBoy 08-13-2008 02:35 PM

Actually, people should really focus more on local elections...that's where the people have the greatest impact...every election year there are elections decided by 1-2% that could have swung the vote either way.

DonMike 08-13-2008 02:37 PM

The thing is that people think voting is useless because GW allegedly stole the last two elections but the thing is, it's more important that we vote now! On behalf of the Democrats out there, if the voting comes in close enough that a few thousand votes can easily be cheated, swayed or stolen, then we need to win by a landslide so no matter how many machines are rigged and no matter how many people are tricked or lied to, or whatever, the remaining votes will be Democrat all the way.

davepounder 08-13-2008 02:38 PM

I think voting is very important and I do so in every election. This year it's definitely Obama for me. Seems like every time black people take over in a white man's game they do much better. Just look at Tiger woods in golf. If Obama is president, I wouldnt be surprised if he finds a way to pull off world peace, cure AIDS, and do everything else people thought were impossible :) lol


MediaGuy 08-13-2008 02:38 PM

If I was American I'd be very dispirited by the last two elections, wherein the first (2000) was apparently stolen and the second in 2004 was also similarly corrupted (while Bush had the highest turnout any incumbent in history, it seems Kerry had the highest vote count of any opposing candidate, the highest Democrat Vote ever and more votes than Bush - considering the error margin between the recounts, voting computers and vote registrations being cancelled because non-existing jail sentences and unpaid traffic ticket records, for example).

I would go with Cynthia McKinney or Obama, seeing as I'd be in the system and had to use it and have *some* faith in it.

Also, If i was in Florida I would move to some place they don't use software vote machines lol...

But never would I vote for a guy like McBain, McBush or whatever you wanna call the guy who's probably going to win the next one anyway... FightTheGoat!

Actually the only thing good about McCain if you ask me is that he's not a chickenhawk like the entire current administration... you'd think he'd have a little more sympathy for the troops though.

Wizzo 08-13-2008 02:39 PM

Without a doubt I will....:)

twinkley 08-13-2008 02:42 PM

I will 100% definitely be voting ... especially since I am hearing that this year its Colorado's turn to be "the swing state"

I swear ... it follows me around sometimes! First florida (thankfully never lived in ohio!) now Colorado!! LOL



Rochard 08-13-2008 02:42 PM

I am not voting this November.

We have a choice between McCain or Obama.

If it was McCain eight years ago, I'd vote for him. He was full of fire then. However, we shouldn't be voting people into office that might die at any given moment. If they have multiple medical problems, etc, they shouldn't be voted into office. McCain's most recent ad says "Who's going to answer the phone at the White House at 3am? Obama?". The truth is more like "Who's gonna answer the phone at 3am? McCain? He'll either be sound asleep or have a heart attack".

Obama isn't much better. I don't think he has the balls to pull it off.

The problem is we need an outsider in the White House - someone who hasn't worked for the Government before, someone who will change things. For the life of me I fail to understand how in the world we have lobbyists in Washing DC - It's really nothing more than a bribe.

I'm currently reading Charlie Wilson's War... Did you know that when a Congressman goes to another country on a sponsored trip they are given cash to cover "expenses". Seriously. According to this book they land at the airport and they are given cash the moment they land.

Our entire government needs to be changed.

So no, I'm not voting this year.

TheEnforcer 08-13-2008 02:42 PM

Oh yeah. I always make sure I vote. I'm a politics junkie and never miss an election.

twinkley 08-13-2008 02:44 PM

Hey Rochard,

Thats a shame. I understand your reasoning, it sounds like a great quote I heard a couple of weeks ago ... "its too late to work within the system, and too early to start a revolution"


Magnus3x 08-13-2008 02:45 PM

All people in democratic societies need to vote!! put the laziness aside, stop moaning about voting for the lesser of two Evils. Face it, no one is perfect, but find the candidate that will make your life and your family better or your business and vote that way. Read what both parties have to offer and come to an intelligent conclusion based on the platform, not the color of the persons skin or their age. Yeah I know... 80% of the platform will never be fullfilled, just like the G8 carbon targets for 2050 <--- yeah that's fucking reasonable, they'll be dead long before that.

This guy could'nt vote and never will, but he did what he could to make sure his Government knew they were not happy.

12clicks 08-13-2008 03:08 PM

the triumvirate of Obama, Reid, and Pelosi would ruin the country.

Quagmire 08-13-2008 03:11 PM

I really wonder whats going to happen, come November. I am not really convinced that Obama is the man for the job, but then when you look at the options, its sort of like deciding whether you want a wedgy, a kick in the balls or a punch in face.

Politicians are all the same when it comes down to it, and I've said it many times before - Democrats and Republicans are two different cheeks of the exact same ass.

llaurell 08-13-2008 03:13 PM

I'll be voting for Obama.. I do hope he picks Hillary as his VP though.

Kenny B 08-13-2008 03:28 PM

I don't see how the Republicans can stay in office, then again I didn't see how Bush got elected for a second term. It's all a big fucking sham, we're just all sheep in the big machine.

It doesn't make a difference who you vote for, the Dems got into congress at the mid terms and nothing changed. They are all hypocrites, nothing will change but the some of the pockets getting stuffed.

When the presidents and candidates are father and son then husband and wife it's not much of a democracy to me.

JoeD 08-13-2008 03:35 PM

Good topic Chris - and it will generate some interesting commentary on this diverse community board -

Everyone who has the privilege to vote should exercise it - even if that means voting on all the candidates for your local, state and national positions - and abstaining from the presidential choice -

An important point to note is how many people abstained in the 1992, 2000, and 2004 elections, and then were so regretful when it was proven just how meaningful a few votes could be - Personally, I think Senator Obama is a politician down with the 'best' of them and is not ready to be president of the United States, and I predict that Senator McCain is only interested in one term - I think we may be very surprised at his VP choice.

I wish Colin Powell had run but he's too smart and his family doesn't want it. We need someone in the White House who stands and speaks for him/herself. We knew Dick Cheney stood behind GW Bush and we did it anyway, and I don't think I want to know who stands behind Senator Obama - I'll give Senator McCain the benefit of the doubt, he might be business as usual, or he just might decide to make his four years really count for something - coin toss on that one.

The bureaucracy has deteriorated to the point where DC is paralyzed and putting a wet finger to the wind to determine legislative direction [ie: Speaker Pelosi now caving on drilling]. Our Congress is equally responsible for the current fiscal, economic, foreign relations and leadership debacles we are facing.

I ask you - Who in their right mind would run for the job? They all have to be a little crazy...

DonMike 08-13-2008 05:21 PM


Originally Posted by Rochard (Post 146797)
So no, I'm not voting this year.

Rochard, it saddens me to see this. Not just from you but because I've heard this from a lot of people.

Any of you guys who feel this way have to realize that every person who didn't vote in the last election because they felt cheated in the election before basically voted for Bush. Everyone who had bright eyed romantic views of breaking the tradition of a two party system and voted for Nader, gave a vote to Bush. And now, everyone who hates the state of our country today who refuses to vote is voting for McCain.

This election is Obama vs. McCain and like it or not, you vote. Everyone votes. It will be an uphill climb for Obama if the same people will be pulling the same crap to get a Republican in the White House to rape our country for four more years until there is nothing left. So if you refrain from voting or if you vote for someone other than Obama and McCain, then you are, in a sense, voting for McCain.

BruceMiller 08-13-2008 06:09 PM

Even though neither of these two were my first choices for their parties, I'm going with Obama. 8 years ago I liked McCain, and wish he would have beaten Shrub, as we all know now 8 years later the entire world is worse off, not all of his fault, but he sure has played a huge role in fucking up things IMHO. This country has been raped as Don Mike said, and I totally agree, our military is worse off, our economy is in shambles, our education system that was once top notch is now lucky to be in the top 20 countries in most fields, we now import 70% of our oil, costing us over $700 Billion annually, all while his net worth has raised 10 fold.

McCain to me has flip flopped on too many issues during the Shrub rein, many things that he once opposed Bush on, he now backs, and to me it's time for something different in this country. I don't think we can take another 4+ years of republican rule, we are already heading way to fast to becoming a 3rd world country.

[BV] 08-13-2008 10:07 PM


Originally Posted by Evil Chris (Post 146777)
Is it important for you to vote? Or do you even care?
Maybe the election of 2000 has shown that anything can and does happen?


Yep, i've been voting since 1984.


JackieB 08-14-2008 03:27 AM

Chris tough one for me... I watch the way as a European my friends make their choice that is :

"of course they vote" .

You guys can't go on as you have been.

You have no baby care.Mr, Master, Miss, and Mrs Jolie- Pitt confirmed that.


Evil Chris 08-14-2008 02:21 PM

I like that even people who can't vote have thrown in their 2cents on this issue. It seems apparent that most everyone agrees that it's important for as many people as possible to vote.

Rochard 08-15-2008 12:13 PM


Originally Posted by DonMike (Post 146823)
Rochard, it saddens me to see this. Not just from you but because I've heard this from a lot of people.

Any of you guys who feel this way have to realize that every person who didn't vote in the last election because they felt cheated in the election before basically voted for Bush. Everyone who had bright eyed romantic views of breaking the tradition of a two party system and voted for Nader, gave a vote to Bush. And now, everyone who hates the state of our country today who refuses to vote is voting for McCain.

This election is Obama vs. McCain and like it or not, you vote. Everyone votes. It will be an uphill climb for Obama if the same people will be pulling the same crap to get a Republican in the White House to rape our country for four more years until there is nothing left. So if you refrain from voting or if you vote for someone other than Obama and McCain, then you are, in a sense, voting for McCain.

I refuse to vote for the lesser of two evils. Not gonna happen.

I also don't believe in a two party system. Washington DC is no longer about the people, it's about one party beating the other party. They are no longer doing what's in the best interests for the country, but instead what's in the best interests for their party.

What most of these politicians are doing would be illegal outside of Washington. If I was to take $12mil of tax payer money and build a bridge that lead to no where, I would be put in prison.

Everyone is quick to point to Bush for our problems. And let's face it, he has been the worst US President in a long, long time. But no US President has faced what the US has faced in sixty years - 9/11 was huge for us. Iraq? I don't have any issues with this; The next time a third world Muslim country looks at us the wrong way we should bitch smack them (hard too). We are not in Iraq for oil; We are in Iraq because we wanted a full time base in the Middle East.

As for the economic issues, well, we brought this on ourselves. I'm guilty too. When my house in Phoenix doubled in value in two years and I sold it walking away with a $250k profit, well, I'm one of the guilty ones. (Then again, my house here in Sacramento has lost nearly 50% of it's value.) When times were good we didn't save for when times were bad, and everyone should know by now that all of this goes in cycles, every 7-10 years. They were writing bad loans and they knew it; The public was taking on these bad loans and they knew it too.

I don't think Obama or Mccain has the balls to do what is needed.

And what we need to do is rather simple really. Here's a start....

Stop all foreign aid! For the love of god, can someone explain to me why we sending aid to Russia, Korea, and dozens of other counties? We are sending billions of dollars a year to Israel - Why? (I understand that Israel has a big fat target painted on them, but we send more aid to Israel on a yearly basis than all other countries combined and have for decades.) I bet we send "aid" to Iran too.

LAJ 08-15-2008 03:03 PM

I'll be voting Obama. The neocon fix is probably on but whatever. As dispirited as I am with all the bullshit surrounding the 2000 and 2004 selections, I gotta vote.

baddog 08-16-2008 04:30 PM


Originally Posted by Easton (Post 146778)
i'm not allowed to vote

Whose fault is that?

RD_Shane 08-18-2008 02:35 PM

I'm planning on voting for Obama. Maybe we won't be able to do every thing he's talked about but if he can even pull off half of it we will be in a much better place. From what I've heard from my associates over seas they all feel the same way. That Obama may well be able to heal a lot of the rifts that have opened up between the US and damn near every other country. Maybe iObama is a pipe dream but he's damn sure better than McCain.

Vendzilla 08-18-2008 06:25 PM

I'm waiting on the VP's, right now, I don't like either of them, Obama has no experience and McCain has too much, I was hopeing for Hilary to run as VP, then Obama would get assassinated

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