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Greg B 08-26-2008 09:51 PM

My new site/blog! Lots of fun!

I was trying to get the blog as the index page and find a simple 3 column layout I could futz around with the graphics on. In one day I got the installation done, new blog theme I dreamed of, and some choice links into the site I didn't expect. Finding pics, vids, news stories that are funny enough to post about and link to.

Learning blogging has really increased traffic, income, and new friends from around the world.

So for my blogs and sites I'm doing the enthusiastic thing. My blogs have spots for me to either write, or post toons, and just have fun. The trick is trying not to wirte too much each day!

Is there a thing as too many updates?

Evil Chris 08-27-2008 09:54 AM

It looks good Greg. Layout is nice and straightforward and the content will surely keep people coming back day after day and week after week. Update it like crazy in the beginning, and be sure to ping ping ping.

Greg B 08-27-2008 10:10 AM

Thanks Chris!

I'm going to add big ass updates once a day instead of multiple posts so I don't get ping penalized. There are so many galleries and websites and movies and pics as well as news stories that are funny in porn I will never run out of material. That's why it's so tempting to post multiple times a day because no matter where I go I see something funny. Remember to stop by and make a comment so you can spam! ;)

Evil Chris 08-27-2008 10:27 AM

What do you mean get penalized? I have a couple of blogs that I update more than once a day (rarely), but I never realized it could be a bad thing.

dyonisus 08-27-2008 05:17 PM

curious about that myself.

DP recently started a few blogs we are updating daily. Info about movies and the DP girls. what happens if you upate more frequently?

Panky 08-27-2008 05:57 PM


Originally Posted by Evil Chris (Post 147333)
What do you mean get penalized? I have a couple of blogs that I update more than once a day (rarely), but I never realized it could be a bad thing.

If you take a blog and update more than once a day and each one of those posts gets pinged, you can be penalized for ping spamming. Pings are only supposed to be once every 24 hours per domain. More than that, and you run the risk of sites blocking your sites for ping abuse/spamming.

You can update more than once per day, just make sure that only one post gets pinged in a 24 hour period.

M O 08-28-2008 09:58 AM


Very nice, clean and straightforward.

Greg B 10-01-2008 02:55 PM

Wo! What happened? Tried to post a reply and kapow!

Anyhow thanks for the compliments.

Hey MO, I heard you had a new discount on a new traffic program?

Anyhow the blogs are doing quite well and growing. Lucky I have friends and clients who have taken the time to take me through the paces of SEO and such. I do see the click thrus to the affiliate programs as well which is a major plus.

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