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painful 09-06-2008 04:59 PM

Hey, is $75 each too much money for me to sell my domain names? I have 4 of them I want to get rid of, www.homelessteensluts.com, www.hairyanalfucking.com, www.fuckinthepark.com, and www.realteenfuck.com

I leave for Iraq (for real this time) on 21 October and really want to liquidate this stuff. My painful-ecstasy.com site is being turned into an RSS feed blog as well. I'll be gone only 4 months, but I really need the money before I leave so I can buy some toys to bring with to help me pass my time. The Wii is staying home Robert. :)

If anyone is interested or has advice on selling, let me know.


Evil Chris 09-06-2008 10:56 PM

Iraq huh? I didn't know you were in the armed service.

painful 09-08-2008 03:13 AM

Yep, Air Force. It's a good gig, I hit my 10 year mark 2 Sept. YAY, $150 more a month!!!

RageCash-Ben 09-08-2008 06:04 AM

I dont need any more domains sorry but I wish you all the best and a safe return from Iraq.

painful 09-24-2008 11:14 PM

Thanks, I'll keep my head down

EmporerEJ 10-01-2008 05:11 PM

First, Thank you for your service.

On your names, I don't think your prices are over the top. I don't have any use for those particular names, but I would think you should be able to get somethign for them.
Good luck.

Cyndalie 10-02-2008 09:10 AM

Yes, Thank you for your service! My Brother in Law completed 3 tours over the past 5 years. Be safe!

Relentless 10-02-2008 09:57 AM


List the domains there.... they are worth whatever someone will pay for them ;)

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