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angeleyes 03-05-2003 09:37 AM

I'm changing my name to...
Handi-Girl... I swear I must be the biggest clutz on earth. First a few months ago--I ran into my end table and screwed my knee up which left the glass cracked and me wearing a brace that went from my hip to my ankle....2 months after that I tripped and fell into the already broken end table and got stiches in my hip and arm and then had to have tendon repair surgery from the laceration and then yesterday I broke my toe so I'm stuck wearing this ever-so-attractive orthopedic shoe. I'm thinking of installing padded walls in my my apartment.

Anyone else having an unlucky year so far?

Evil Chris 03-05-2003 09:50 AM

angeleyes... First thing you should do if you haven't done it already, is get rid of that end-table! ;)
It obviously has some sort of curse on it...

I know what you're saying, though. I bashed my knee into a kitchen cupboard last night! *ouch*!

angeleyes 03-05-2003 09:58 AM


Originally posted by Evil Chris
angeleyes... First thing you should do if you haven't done it already, is get rid of that end-table! ;)
It obviously has some sort of curse on it...

I know what you're saying, though. I bashed my knee into a kitchen cupboard last night! *ouch*!

Yeah...I tossed out the table and replaced it with these wobbly plastic ones, and now I keep tipping my drinks over so my carpet is every shade of red and purple there is now from wine, cranberry juice, soda.

Note to Self: Pad Walls AND lay down some astro-turf.

Evil Chris 03-05-2003 10:02 AM

another note to self: Call NBC. You might have a new sitcom right under your nose! LOL

Feynman 03-05-2003 10:21 AM

Re: I'm changing my name to...

Originally posted by angeleyes
Handi-Girl... I swear I must be the biggest clutz on earth. First a few months ago--I ran into my end table and screwed my knee up which left the glass cracked and me wearing a brace that went from my hip to my ankle....2 months after that I tripped and fell into the already broken end table and got stiches in my hip and arm and then had to have tendon repair surgery from the laceration and then yesterday I broke my toe so I'm stuck wearing this ever-so-attractive orthopedic shoe. I'm thinking of installing padded walls in my my apartment.

Anyone else having an unlucky year so far?

1994 was an interesting time for me (as the Chinese would say).

March: x-country ski accident: tore a ligament, was in crutches for three months, and have to wear a brace for some activities since then.

August 13: crashed in a plane. Broke: neck, back, arm, sternum and ripped the skin from my shins from the knee down to my ankles. I spent three months in a rigid corset with a head rack (luckily, I didn't have to wear a Halo, that thigie that gets bolted into your cranium)

Everything re-glued properly.

From the accident, I have no sequels albeit an uncanny ability to accurately predict next day's weather as accurately as my 90 y.o. grand'ma. I "feel" the weather in my back.

13's not my lucky day, but I survived.

The title of my fave song at that time should be obvious. :)

Mind you, the pilot just broke a leg and a few ribs. I was *unlucky* to get so injured.

The pilot had no insurance. The airplane was 70% destroyed. I could have sued him out of his fingernails.

Instead, I and about 20 other volunteers pitched in about 2500 hours of volunteer work. I re-machined the whole landing gear and any metal part that required fabrication. I put in total between 200 and 300 hours of work. It took me one year before I got enough endurance to perform an 8h day of work.

The plane was back to flying status 16 months after the crash.

It flies better than before the crash. We *made* it better than it was, and it was already very well made.

Two years day for day after the crash, on the same summer weekend sunday, the annual barbecue event at this airport, I as the passenger and the same pilot (owner of the plane) went back in and landed at the stame strip of the same airport, crossing over the same wires we got snagged into two summer before. Upon landing, the crowd of amateur and experimental aircraft community gave us a tremendous applauze.

Everybody celebrated and the hot dogs and hamburgers and lemodade were free for us ! :D

It was a majestic middle finger salute to the fickle finger of fate !

:sunshine: :sunshine: :sunshine:

wsjb78 03-05-2003 12:26 PM

I think angeleyes suits you a lot better.... don't change the name...

Funbrunette 03-05-2003 12:42 PM

Love the avatar girl! Wow...You look GREAT! :D

Panky 03-05-2003 01:29 PM

You don't need to change your name. Just hire a personal servant to cater to your every need. <img src="http://smilies.sofrayt.com/%5E/8/pain.gif" width="15" height="15">

<img src="http://smilies.sofrayt.com/%5E/r/biggrininvert.gif" width="15" height="15">

wsjb78 03-05-2003 05:00 PM

You could get me for free! :)

angeleyes 03-05-2003 06:25 PM


Originally posted by Funbrunette
Love the avatar girl! Wow...You look GREAT! :D
Thanks doll.... I can feel the love on this board. lol :blush:

McAttack 03-06-2003 01:17 PM


Originally posted by angeleyes
Yeah...I tossed out the table and replaced it with these wobbly plastic ones, and now I keep tipping my drinks over so my carpet is every shade of red and purple there is now from wine, cranberry juice, soda.

Note to Self: Pad Walls AND lay down some astro-turf.

Padded Walls, astro-turf, and wine... Will you marry me? :p

Purple Haze 03-06-2003 01:38 PM

Re: I'm changing my name to...

Originally posted by angeleyes

Anyone else having an unlucky year so far? [/b]
I have a friend who is the world's biggest klutz. Once, she stepped off a curb and sprained her ankle. Another time she walked around for months always complaining that her thumb hurt her. Finally, she went to the doctor and discovered that it was broken.

Anyway, I hope you get better.;)

Purple Haze

Miss Novette 03-06-2003 02:44 PM

Does Nerf make furniture?


Evil Chris 03-06-2003 06:34 PM


Originally posted by Miss Novette
Does Nerf make furniture?


aahahaha.... no I don't think they do, but there is always those flouresant inflatable sofas!?!?!

Panky 03-06-2003 10:31 PM

Bean bag chairs!

I think it'd be awsome if NERF made furniture! Would work great for those nights/mornings you come home and can't seem to stand up straight. :glugglug:

You can always wrap the legs of your furniture with foam pipe insulation. Comes in black and grey. Secure permanently with a generous application of duct tape. :bonk:

<img src="http://smilies.sofrayt.com/%5E/r/biggrininvert.gif" width="15" height="15">

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