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Do you play any musical instruments?
No, Guitar Hero doesn't count!
In your life have you ever played an instrument on a regular basis? Any good? I played bass in bands through highschool and college, and some hand percussion for fun. I was pretty good on bass, ok on rhythmn guitar, so so on drums. Now I couldn't pick a tune to save my life though. Still have one of my axes tho. |
I played clarinet and alto saxaphone in high school. I wouldn't have a clue how to play them now, however.
Too bad about Guitar Hero not counting. ;) |
I used to play piano, was ok. Mostly just played christmas music at family gatherings and once at a concert for school.
I tried electric guitar for a while and did ok on that as well but ended up giving it up. Just for the record, I suck at Guitar Hero. My son however kicked it's ass in the first day. |
I have absolutely no musical ability.
I tried acoustic guitar...and got bored of that and when I got much older I started playing the skin flute and still go strong to this day!!!!:laughout:
I'm playing the keyboard right now!
Wait, it's not musical, although some would argue that it's music to their ear... |
New of playing guitar. Back in high school I played flute.
I studied violin 8 years, piano 4 years and I can play a little bit on guitar too.
I have never played any instruments but I was in a competitive chorus in junior high...
i started playing the sax when i was in 2nd grade.havnt played one in a while though
I played some trumpet in school.
Haven't touched one in years though. I wouldn't know how to play today. |
I played bass in a band for many years, I loves the funk and slap style bass. I started off playing drums though and I can still keep a beat.
Rock Band is not guitar hero! I play RB drums and sing
In reality I learned to play guitar when I was like 4 and have been playing off and on ever since. |
Alto and tenor sax, bass, guitar, drums, and now self teaching on piano.
still learning guitar
Moe je joue de la cuilliere ;-)
Piano for 4 years though I dont really know to many tunes now. Kinda of forgot all of it when I stopped playing. Wish I had stuck with it now.
I played the trombone in high school. I enjoyed it and was decent at it but liked and was better at sports.
I was a bass player for several bands, a couple were even touring bands..I also sang in a couple bands and play a little guitar on the side...I'm a so-so piano player, but better at teaching piano than playing it...
nope. no musical talent whatsoever.
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