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M O 10-02-2008 08:50 AM

Any runner on Xnations?
Just wondering,

i am training once again for the 2009 NYC marathon.

I got in last year but i stopped running in August 2007 due to a tendinitis and scar tissues in my knee (from one of my ACL surgeries) so all this didn't allow me to run for almost 9 months .

I started 2months ago to train and today i run my first 4 miles tempo run in 32 mins and 3 secs...

Any other runner around?

Cyndalie 10-02-2008 09:09 AM

I only run if someone is chasing me :)

Good luck with yoru training!!! ACL recovery is hard but it can be full!

Evil Chris 10-02-2008 09:10 AM

I have a lot of respect for long distance runners, probably because I was always horrible at it and know how tough it is. I had to do a lot of running when I was in the military (15 years), and I never enjoyed it much. Especially those 2 x 10 forced marches.

You do 10 miles one day, and 10 miles the next day. With full gear, weapon, and combat boots on. Those were really a killer but when it was over, you felt awesome.

M O 10-02-2008 09:53 AM


Originally Posted by Cyndalie (Post 148595)
I only run if someone is chasing me :)

Good luck with yoru training!!! ACL recovery is hard but it can be full!

I m a pretty good chaser......:laughout:

M O 10-02-2008 09:54 AM


Originally Posted by Evil Chris (Post 148597)
I have a lot of respect for long distance runners, probably because I was always horrible at it and know how tough it is. I had to do a lot of running when I was in the military (15 years), and I never enjoyed it much. Especially those 2 x 10 forced marches.

You do 10 miles one day, and 10 miles the next day. With full gear, weapon, and combat boots on. Those were really a killer but when it was over, you felt awesome.

Agreed, i was in the military myself and did those long marches, what i hate the most were the blister, i can take everything but those.

M O 10-02-2008 10:02 AM


Originally Posted by Cyndalie (Post 148595)

Good luck with yoru training!!! ACL recovery is hard but it can be full!

Heheh..i know..i had 4 surgeries, 2 ACL's on each knee...i played soccer a little too hard.....

Virgule3 10-03-2008 04:00 PM

I can't run up the stairs... LOL

But Angelique, my best friend and porngirl, has completed I don't know how many Ironman and half Ironman. She is training for one right now but I'm not sure which.

She cracks me up. She often says she has never really completed or finished anything in her life. DUH! I have the utmost respect for her and her discipline...


JoeD 10-06-2008 04:12 PM

I ran NYC back in the day. You've got just over a year to train, so take it slow, consistent and build gradually...there is a ton of training literature available, just take a conservative approach for the next few months...depends on your goals too - are you training to finish or set a record? :)

...And make sure you are involved in a weight training program throughout or when you are done you will look like a runner, and you don't want that!

M O 10-06-2008 04:16 PM


Originally Posted by WebBilling.com (Post 148757)
I ran NYC back in the day. You've got just over a year to train, so take it slow, consistent and build gradually...there is a ton of training literature available, just take a conservative approach for the next few months...depends on your goals too - are you training to finish or set a record? :)

...And make sure you are involved in a weight training program throughout or when you are done you will look like a runner, and you don't want that!

Hey Joe, thanks for the tips.

It's a matter of fact that i have one my good buddies helping me with training, he is a former triathlete and owns his own gym here in Atlanta.

Actually I'll give some free adverting www.realfitnessga.com :)

Rochard 10-06-2008 04:29 PM

I run daily....... About two miles.

Come to think of it, I also ride my bike every morning too.....

NicAngel 10-06-2008 07:26 PM

i only run to the phone

M O 10-06-2008 07:46 PM


Originally Posted by NicAngel (Post 148772)
i only run to the phone

where is the Phone?

Special_K 10-07-2008 07:22 AM

Just completed the Barcelona Triathlon on Sunday. The run stank big time. I am so not a runner.

M O 10-07-2008 09:42 AM


Originally Posted by Special_K (Post 148784)
Just completed the Barcelona Triathlon on Sunday. The run stank big time. I am so not a runner.

That is awesome, Triathlon is my next goal.

llaurell 10-07-2008 07:59 PM


Originally Posted by M O (Post 148789)
That is awesome, Triathlon is my next goal.

I've done one Triathlon and one Marathon..and I think Triathlon is a lot easier and way more fun than the marathon.

oceania 10-08-2008 08:37 AM

impressive Mo
learn something new every day

so hot Italian man - who can run long distances, and likes the chase -no woman will be safe! LOL

Special_K 10-09-2008 11:49 AM

I agree Llaurel.
A marathon is tougher than an Olympic distance tri at least. I am sure with the Ironman distances things get a little different. But for me, I like the transitions from 1 sport to the next and not just doing one thing for countless number of hours. Maybe its the ADD.

JoeD 10-09-2008 02:40 PM


Originally Posted by Special_K (Post 148886)
I agree Llaurel.
A marathon is tougher than an Olympic distance tri at least. I am sure with the Ironman distances things get a little different. But for me, I like the transitions from 1 sport to the next and not just doing one thing for countless number of hours. Maybe its the ADD.

Agreed. So far I've just done the sprint distance triathlons, and one Doggy Duathlon [swim - run, obviously] with my two dogs...
Looks like a great Gym Mo - keep at it :)

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